Joseph Simons

  • Morning Docket: 10.20.17
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.20.17

    * Judge Posner wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to help pro ses. Now that he’s retired, he’s decided to “dedicate [his] post-judicial career” to the cause. He recently filed an affidavit to serve as advisory counsel to a pro se litigant before the Fourth Circuit. [Big Law Business]

    * This administration is full of Biglaw attorneys: Trump’s nominee to lead the FTC is Joseph Simons, co-chairman of the antitrust group at Paul, Weiss. Prior to joining the firm, he served as the Director of the Bureau of Competition at the FTC. Congrats! [National Law Journal]

    * Harvard Law’s Student Government is planning to conduct a mental health survey in an effort to assist students with mental health issues. They’re also teaming up with Parody, the school’s law revue squad, to film videos addressing mental health issues. Hmm, nothing at all could possibly go wrong here. [Harvard Crimson]

    * GW Law School has implemented a bunch of diversity initiatives this year, but apparently the members of the faculty have absolutely no idea what they are or what they entail. This… doesn’t seem very helpful. [GW Hatchet]

    * Johnny Depp has filed a malpractice suit against Hergott Diemer Rosenthal LaViolette Feldman Schenkman & Goodman (that’s a mouthful), claiming the firm and its lawyers had a hand in putting him in a bad place financially. [Am Law Daily]

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