Judge Andrew J. Peck
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
The Circuit: Back To School
Technology columnist Monica Bay's monthly round-up of upcoming events -- with some decidedly cranky commentary. -
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
The Circuit: Legaltech New York 2016
Please welcome Above the Law's newest legal technology columnist, Monica Bay, who today tackles Legaltech New York -- love it or dread it, it's a must-attend annual ritual. - Sponsored
Generative AI at Work: Boosting e-Discovery Efficiency for Corporate Legal Teams
While generative AI may feel like a hot new topic, the legal industry is no stranger to leveraging artificial intelligence. -
Clerkships, Federal Government, Federal Judges, Feeder Judges, Jed Rakoff, Law Schools, S.D.N.Y.
A Quick Update on Law Clerk Hiring
The Southern District of New York provides a model for other courts to follow.
11th Circuit, 4th Circuit, 7th Circuit, Bankruptcy, BARBRI, Career Alternatives, Disability Law, Drugs, Frank Easterbrook, Law Professors, Law Schools, Marijuana, Non-Sequiturs, Paralegals, Technology
Non-Sequiturs: 04.12.13
* The Dukes of Hazzard and Braveheart cited in the Eleventh Circuit. Other circuits, the gauntlet has been thrown down. [Volokh Conspiracy] * Dave’s not here, man. Probably not the smartest stoner on the planet. [Lowering the Bar] * Former Skadden attorney loses her appeal claiming that insomnia constituted a disability. It’s a setback for her, but nothing worth losing sleep over. [National Law Journal] * The Second Circuit agreed with every other court that heard the motion and denied the effort to recuse Magistrate Judge Peck from the Da Silva Moore predictive coding case. [IT-Lex] * Maybe it’s time for law professors to get off their duffs and try helping out their unemployed students directly. [Concurring Opinions] * Judge Easterbrook allows a $25K student-loan discharge for a ‘destitute’ paralegal. The educational-industrial complex is not going to sit still for this. [ABA Journal] * Saira Rao, of Chambermaid (affiliate link) fame, has a new publishing venture — check it out. [Kickstarter] * Oh, BARBRI. What’s the Matter with Kansas, indeed (after the jump)…. * Posted previously on Facebook (now pulled): -
Document Review, Federal Judges, S.D.N.Y., Technology
Predictive Coding Debate Rages On: Judge Peck Stays Discovery in Groundbreaking Case
The back and forth over predictive coding continues.… -
Conferences / Symposia, Contract Attorneys, Document Review, Federal Judges, S.D.N.Y., Technology
Live at LegalTech: That's a Wrap, But the Predictive Coding Debate Is Only Heating up
LegalTech New York finished up earlier this week. I survived with only a minor case of technology loop, although my iPhone was begging for mercy by the end. The conference was frenetic, to say the least. There was a lot going on, regarding a cornucopia of technological topics and tools to help lawyers. As expected, […] -
Conferences / Symposia, Document Review, Federal Judges, Quote of the Day, S.D.N.Y., Technology
Quote of the Day: Keyword Searching? You're Doing It Wrong
Keyword searching is absolutely terrible, in terms of statistical responsiveness. — Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck (S.D.N.Y.), in a panel today at the LegalTech conference. He spoke alongside Wachtell Lipton counsel Maura Grossman and Jackson Lewis partner Ralph Losey, on a panel that aimed to demystify cutting-edge, computer-assisted e-discovery technology. Peck is a vocal proponent of […]