Non Sequiturs: 10.28.18
* Adam Feldman identifies eight issues where widely divergent state laws could lead to Supreme Court intervention. [Empirical SCOTUS] * Jonathan Adler wonders why it took so long for NBC to report on the inconsistencies and discrepancies in the allegations that Julie Swetnick made against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. [Bench Memos / National Review] * It seems that Cesar Sayoc didn't limit himself to threatening prominent liberals and progressives; he apparently went after Ilya Somin as well. [Reason / Volokh Conspiracy] * A riddle from Mark Lemley (via Orly Lobel): what's the "most Silicon Valley fact ever"? [PrawfsBlawg] * Congratulations to Bloomberg Law on the launch of its latest offering in litigation analytics. [Artificial Lawyer] * And congratulations to Fastcase on its latest deal, the acquisition of Law Street Media. [Dewey B Strategic]