Kushner Companies

  • Morning Docket: 09.17.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.17.20

    * Kayne West said he was going to tweet his recording contracts since he apparently needs “every lawyer in the world to look at these.” Can all of us lawyers send him a bill if we review the agreements? [Hollywood Reporter]

    * Joe Biden is purportedly assembling an army of lawyers for a possible post-election legal fight. [Guardian]

    * A new lawsuit has been filed against Kushner Companies, the outfit owned by Jared Kushner’s family, over allegedly dangerous living conditions at apartment buildings owned by the company. [Hill]

    * An OBGYN is being accused of fertility fraud after it was allegedly revealed that the doctor’s sperm, and not that of an anonymous donor, was used to create an embryo. [Fox News]

    * William H. Gates, Sr., a name partner of K and L Gates, has passed away. He is also the father of billionaire Bill Gates, what a legacy! [American Lawyer]

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