Above the Law’s 2013 Lawyer of the Year Competition: The Winner!
Congratulations to our 2013 Lawyer of the Year!
Congratulations to our 2013 Lawyer of the Year!
From distinguished to despicable, who should be Above the Law's Lawyer of the Year for 2013? Please vote in our poll!
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Who should be Above the Law's Lawyer of the Year for 2013? Give us some suggestions!
Who won ATL's Lawyer of the Year competition for 2012? Find out here!
* Justice Sonia Sotomayor just ruined Hobby Lobby’s new year by refusing to block the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptives mandate. All of the members of the company’s legal team will have to scrapbook and crochet for hours to get over this loss. [Reuters] * Harvard Law graduate Barack Obama is being feted as CNN’s “Most Intriguing Person of 2012,” but he’s currently trailing in fourth place in the most important year-end poll of all: Above the Law’s Lawyer of the Year competition. Get out there and vote! [CNN] * Federal district court judges aren’t being confirmed as quickly as they once were, and it’s partly because our president isn’t submitting nominees as quickly as those who came before him. [WSJ Law Blog (sub. req.)] * But even if the president nominated judges more quickly, he’d continue to face harsh opposition from the NRA, which matters because the gun group has an entire party in its pocket. [Opinionator / New York Times] * A legal problem and a journalism problem wrapped up in a little pretty bow: David Gregory of NBC’s “Meet the Press” is being investigated for displaying an alleged 30-round magazine on the air. [Washington Post] * One of New York’s most prestigious private schools agreed to settle the sex abuse suit brought against it by former students. Simpson Thacher partner Phil Culhane must be doing a victory dance. [New York Daily News] * You got a fast car, and now this case will pay all our bills. Toyota settled a class action suit over unintended acceleration, and it’s touted as one of the largest product-liability settlements in history. [New York Times] * Ay dios mio! You know that you’re never going to enjoy another vacation when you catch a hotel employee spreading his seed all over your clothes. But what did you expect? It’s Mexico. [Courthouse News Service]
Who should be Above the Law's Lawyer of the Year for 2012? Please vote in our poll!
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Who should be Above the Law's Lawyer of the Year for 2012? We're now seeking your nominations!
Above the Law's 2011 Lawyer of the Year contest is now over. Thanks to everyone who nominated a lawyer; thanks to our finalists, for being such accomplished and interesting individuals; and thanks to all the voters, who picked our victor. And the winner is....
The year is quickly drawing to a close, but we have unfinished business to conduct here at Above the Law. We still have to crown our Lawyer of the Year for 2011. The polls will remain open until January 3 at 11:59 PM. And the nominees are....
With just two weeks left in the year 2011, we thought that now would be a good time to ask you, our loyal readers, to submit your nominations for Above the Law’s fifth annual LAWYER OF THE YEAR competition. We’ll be running the show just like we’ve done it in the past: you submit your […]
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
Above the Law’s 2010 Lawyer of the Year contest is now over. Thanks to everyone who nominated a lawyer; thanks to our finalists, for being such accomplished and interesting individuals; and thanks to all the voters, who picked our victor. Here are ATL’s past Lawyers of the Year: 2007: Loyola 2L 2008: President Barack Obama […]
For the past few years here at Above the Law, we have named a LAWYER OF THE YEAR. Or perhaps we should say that you have named a Lawyer of the Year, since readers play a major role in the process. We’ll run things the way we’ve done in the past: You submit your nominees […]