Lejb Fogelman
Bankruptcy, Biglaw, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Dissolution, Money, Partner Issues, Partner Profits
Dewey Have Data on How Much Partners Got Paid? Yes -- Thanks to the Partner Contribution Plan
Here are spreadsheets showing how much Dewey's 109 most highly compensated partners earned in 2011 and 2012, along with how much they are being asked to contribute in "clawbacks" under the "Partnership Contribution Plan." Enjoy! -
Bankruptcy, Biglaw, Blind Item, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Dissolution, Money, Nauseating Things, Partner Issues, Partner Profits
Biglaw Blind Item: The $6 Million Men(Plus additional tidbits about Dewey partner compensation.)
Who are the two Dewey & LeBoeuf partners who earned more than $6 million in the year leading up to the firm's bankruptcy filing?
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