Marc Short

  • Morning Docket: 04.23.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 04.23.18

    * Because there is never a moment without drama in this administration, AG Jeff Sessions has told White House counsel Don McGahn that he’s probably going to have to quit if President Trump fires Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein. [Washington Post]

    * Meanwhile, White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short says the president “has no intention of firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and special counsel Robert Mueller.” Hmm… we’ll just wait right here until those firings don’t happen. *insert Jeopardy music here* [CBS News]

    * “[T]here is no human being, on the planet, with more knowledge about federal criminal law than Michael Dreeben, and no one with more expertise than him.” Meet Michael Dreeben, special counsel Robert Mueller’s Supreme Court closer. He’s argued more than 100 SCOTUS cases, and is a force to be reckoned with. [ABC News]

    * Hiring for the law school class of 2017 is “up,” with 75.3 percent of graduates employed in full-time, long-term jobs that require law degrees or are considered “JD advantage” positions — but you probably shouldn’t get too excited about that. The only reason the percentage of those employed is higher this year is because the class was 6 percent smaller. In reality, entry-level hiring has decreased. [ABA Journal]

    * Which Biglaw firm did Wells Fargo turn to ahead of being hit with record fines that turned into a $1B settlement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency? That would be Sullivan & Cromwell, which “always [tries] to play absolutely straight with the regulators.” [American Lawyer]

    * Riley Safer, a spinoff of Schiff Hardin, just elected its first managing partner, and she may be the first black woman to lead a national law firm. Congratulations to Patricia Brown Holmes as she leads the legal profession in the future. [American Lawyer]

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