Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

  • Non-Sequiturs: 06.10.18

    Non-Sequiturs: 06.10.18

    * What changes might come to the Supreme Court if Justice Kennedy retires at the end of this Term? Adam Feldman scours the justices’ voting relationships for clues. [Empirical SCOTUS]

    * Speaking of SCOTUS, when it comes to its recent ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Andrew Siegel is not impressed. [PrawfsBlawg]

    * Ilya Somin offers praise for legislation being co-sponsored by Senator Elizabeth Warren — but it will make sense to you once you see the subject matter (hint: her co-sponsor is Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado). [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]

    * Charles Glasser has no problem with people calling out or criticizing speech that they find offensive, but he argues — rightly so, in my view — that we’ve lost “a sense of proportion, a rational relationship between the speaker, their comments, and their role in society.” [Daily Caller]

    * Ann Althouse’s take on Bill Clinton’s controversial #MeToo comments. [Althouse]

    * Greg Lambert is absolutely right: “Sometimes the change you seek causes problems you didn’t foresee.” [3 Geeks and a Law Blog]

    * Smart-contract checker Sagewise hooks up with Hedera Hashgraph, a “blazing fast” alternative to blockchain. [Artificial Lawyer]

  • Morning Docket: 09.18.17
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.18.17

    * Special Counsel Robert Mueller obtained a warrant for targeted ads that were purchased by Russia-linked Facebook accounts during the 2016 election. The fact that Mueller was able to get a warrant “may be the biggest news in the case since the Manafort raid.” [Business Insider]

    * Speaking of the Russia probe, yet another lawyer has joined Robert Mueller’s team. Say hello to Kyle Freeny, a former kindergarten teacher with a law degree from Harvard who transferred from the Justice Department’s money-laundering unit to contribute her talents to the ongoing investigation. [POLITICO]

    * Sorry, kids, but lawyers are very, very, very expensive: Since the president has left his one-time associates high and dry, Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign advisor, has been forced to drain his children’s college fund to pay for legal representation in the Russia probe. Horrible… [Washington Examiner]

    * “It’s not about the cake. It is about discrimination.” When the Masterpiece Cakeshop case is argued before SCOTUS, Justice Anthony Kennedy — the man who wrote the opinion that legalized same-sex marriage in America — will likely be the deciding vote. Will be betray his legacy for free speech? [New York Times]

    * Columbia Law School is offering students credits to meet their 40-hour pro bono requirement for graduation if they volunteer for the Columbia Human Rights Law Review’s Trump Human Rights Tracker, which keeps tabs on President Trump’s actions and their impacts on human rights. [FOX News]

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