Rush Limbaugh
Non-Sequiturs: 08.24.12.
* Rush Limbaugh wonders if Obama is responsible for today’s violence at the Empire State Building. As usual, someone commits a crime, and Rush tries to find a black person to pin it on. [Politico] * Speaking of the shooting, this is the single best update in the history of updates. [Onion] * Here’s how the GOP is trying to work the voter fraud angle. [AlterNet] * If you are going to insult your clients, I believe the preferred nomenclature is “muppets” not “toothless cooties.” [Denver Westword] * Of COURSE porn is copyrightable. Jesus, it’s not like any bored housewife can do it, though I suppose it is fun when the try. [The Legal Satyricon] * What lawyers do in August. [Dealbreaker] * if you happen to be in Honolulu this Labor Day, first you should thank the God you pray to that you get to be in Honolulu. But then you might want to check this legal film series “The First Thing We Do, Let’s Film All The Lawyers.” It sounds pretty cool, and might be a nice break from relaxing in paradise. [Law In Film] -
Defamation, Feminism, Free Speech, Law Schools, Quote of the Day, Religion, Women's Issues
Quote of the Day: Do You Really Want To Slide Down That Slope?
Sandra Fluke opines on free speech in the wake of "slut-gate," and explains why she picked Georgetown Law. -
Election 2012, Law Schools, Women's Issues
What's Everyone's Favorite 'Slut' Up to These Days?(An Update on Georgetown Law's Sandra Fluke.)
Remember Sandra Fluke? Here's an update on everyone's favorite "slut"...
Law Schools, LSAT, Non-Sequiturs, Religion, Sex, Sports, Violence
Non-Sequiturs: 03.07.12
* The definitive post on why we cannot sue Rush Limbaugh for exercising his right to have enough rope to hang himself with. [The Legal Satyricon] * Bill Maher is also defending Limbaugh. Why can’t people understand that most acts of speech aren’t punishable offenses, even if that speech is very stupid. [Entertainment Weekly] * […] -
Death Penalty, Non-Sequiturs, Politics, Women's Issues
Non-Sequiturs: 03.05.12
* Dear readers, legal pundits, regular pundits, and the public at large: Please stop with this nonsense of how Sandra Fluke should sue Rush Limbaugh. Because I swear to God, if you guys make me indirectly defend Limbaugh, I will wear you guys out like the dirty little sluts you are. [Politico] * Which founding partner of a major law firm has abs of steel? [Dealbreaker] * A ranking of top moot court programs. I wouldn’t be surprised if the schools that are best at moot court are the schools that spend the most time lying to their students about how there’s a single goddamn employer out there who cares about moot court. [TaxProf Blog] * People think I hate cops, but I have nothing on Republicans in the Indiana House of Representatives. Those guys are such cop haters that they want to pass a law to make it okay to kill them if they enter your house. All I want is to be able to get away with saying “yo’ mama” if they try to falsely arrest you in your own home. [Recess Appointments] * This legal assistant reminds me of what Lane Pryce might have said if he had been sacked for a job as a legal assistant. [Roll on Friday] * Really, it’s the pro-death penalty crowd that wants us to be more like Communist China. [A Public Defender] * Congratulations to the new leaders at Ms. JD. [Ms. JD] * Michigan man sues movie theater for overpriced snacks. He’s not suing for amount they charge to see movies over the past atrocious season, he just wants to spend less while he’s sucking down Goobers and watching them. (One quick side note on the Oscars ’cause I was sick last week: F*** you, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Maybe they should re-release Margin Call with Zach Quinto replaced by a French mime so you guys might notice something at least 1% of this country cares about.) [Huffington Post] -
Blogging, Drinking, DUI / DWI, John Roberts, Law Schools, Media and Journalism, Morning Docket, Pictures, Pornography, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Weddings, Women's Issues
Morning Docket: 03.05.12
* Apparently the Roberts Court is unusual in that its elite members lacked opportunities to gain “the most critical judicial virtue: practical wisdom.” Yeah, right. Tell that one to the Wise Latina. [Washington Post]
* In the wake of the contraception controversy, Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling Georgetown 3L Sandra Fluke a “slut.” He’s so very, very sorry… that he lost some of his advertisers. [The Caucus / New York Times]
* The powers that be in Massachusetts have decided to show law bloggers a little bit of respect. Now they’ll get to cover judicial proceedings like real, live journalists — press passes and all. [Metro Desk / Boston Globe]
* Pornography: now with ten percent fewer HIV infections! A Los Angeles city ordinance requiring porn actors to wear condoms during filming will be taking effect today. [L.A. Now / Los Angeles Times]
* After making two other DWI arrests disappear from her record, former Bronx ADA Jennifer Troiano pleaded guilty to drunk driving last week. It looks like the third time really is the charm. [New York Daily News]
* New York newlyweds allege that Glamour Me Studio Photoshopped their heads onto naked bodies. Groomzilla Todd Remis must be glad that his wedding photography woes weren’t so graphic. [New York Post]
Feminism, Gender, Law Schools, Politics, Women's Issues
Why You Shouldn't Call a Woman a 'Slut' on the Eve of Women's History Month Because She Uses Contraceptives
March 1 marked the first day of Women's History Month. And as we noted for our readers, Rush Limbaugh began his celebrations a day early by calling Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law student who testified before a Congressional committee on the need for access to birth control, a "slut." Needless to say, people are outraged about Limbaugh's comments. Because really, who wouldn't be? Let's take a look at what Fluke had to say in response.... -
Law Schools, Politics, Quote of the Day, Rudeness, Sex, Videos
Quote of the Day: You's a Ho!
"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex -- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute."