Saliann Scarpulla

  • Morning Docket: 11.26.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 11.26.18

    * In an effort to bypass the decisions — and injunctions — of lower appellate courts, the Trump administration has taken the “highly unusual step” of asking the Supreme Court to issue a ruling on its transgender military ban. [USA Today]

    * In other news, the Trump administration has reportedly struck a deal with Mexico that will completely overhaul our asylum system so that seekers will have to Remain in Mexico (the plan’s eloquent name) while their cases move through our courts. [Washington Post]

    * Sorry, but you’re not “immune” to this one: A New York judge has asserted jurisdiction over Donald Trump in a lawsuit brought by AG Barbara Underwood against the Trump Foundation, the president, and three of his children. [NPR]

    * “We shouldn’t be in this position where the future of certain policies turn on whether this old woman is healthy or not.” The Supreme Court’s future is resting on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health, and people are starting to get nervous. [The Hill]

    * “Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.” Former FBI director James Comey says he’ll fight a subpoena to testify privately before the House Judiciary Committee if for no other reason than because he wants the world to know what happened. [CNN]

    * In case you missed it amid this year’s bonus frenzy, senior associates at top-tier Biglaw firms taking in $465K are now making more in total compensation than partners from at least a dozen Am Law 200 firms. Ouch. [American Lawyer]

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