Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 03.18.21
* A client fired his lawyer at a Zoom hearing recently saying his attorney was a “bum ass dude.” Don’t know how the legal news cycle worked before Zoom hearings… [Boing Boing]
* A lawyer accepted a $1 billion lottery check on behalf of his clients. [Hometown Life]
* The Texas Attorney General is suing a utility in order to forgive have high electricity bills stemming from extreme weather earlier this year. [New York Daily News]
* Republican’s state Attorneys General are threatening to sue the Biden Administration over the recently passed stimulus bill. [Hill]
* SCOTUSblog is running a March Madness contest to see who was the best Supreme Court Justice of all time. Now this is a bracket with which I can finally be involved… [SCOTUSblog]
Non-Sequiturs: 03.25.18
* Brad Karp and Christopher Boehning of Paul, Weiss make the case in favor of stripping gun manufacturers and sellers of their statutory immunity from suit in most negligence and product liability actions. [New York Times]
* Remember the Moonlight Fire case? Ten state AGs have filed an amicus brief in support of the cert petition. [U.S. Supreme Court]
* It’s almost time to file your taxes — and the Supreme Court just made it a little bit easier to cheat on them. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]
* In other SCOTUS news, the Court is taking its sweet time in handing down opinions this Term, as Adam Feldman observes. [Empirical SCOTUS]
* And speaking of Adam Feldman, he’s now working with SCOTUSblog — congratulations to both parties! [SCOTUSblog]
* Leading media lawyer Charles Glasser looks at the challenges that corrections pose to the media (both print and digital). [Daily Caller]
* Vineeta Vijayaraghavan points out that gun violence doesn’t spare the elite, noting that firearms killed three of her Harvard classmates (including Professor Dan Markel). [USA Today]
* Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics consulting firm, has been widely condemned for its work on the 2016 Trump election campaign — but it’s not clear that its conduct violated data-protection laws or even Facebook policies, according to Tim Pullan of ThoughtRiver. [Artificial Lawyer]
* Professor Michael Dorf remembers lawyer, author, and editor Julie Hilden, who passed away earlier this month. [Dorf on Law]
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Law firms must leverage technology to curb client attrition and talent loss, enhancing efficiency and aligning with evolving expectations for lasting success. -
Justice, SCOTUS
Packingham Decision Says More About The Power Of Facebook Than Sex Offenders
Sites like Facebook and Twitter have become entirely too powerful and ubiquitous for the government to restrict access to.
Supreme Court
October Term Supreme Court Preview
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a timid SCOTUS docket! -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.29.16
* It looks like SCOTUSblog’s Tom Goldstein was onto something, because Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is reportedly being vetted to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. The D.D.C. judge once clerked for Justice Stephen Breyer, and may wind up working alongside him on the high court as an associate justice (which could be a first). [National Law Journal]
* Justice Scalia’s death quickly affected some SCOTUS litigants: Dow Chemical settled an antitrust class-action suit for $835M because “[g]rowing political uncertainties … and increased likelihood for unfavorable outcomes for business involved in class-action suits have changed Dow’s risk assessment of the situation.” [Big Law Business / Bloomberg]
* Abortion returns to the SCOTUS this week, and litigants are wondering which version of Justice Kennedy they’ll receive when a decision is made. If Gonzales v. Carhart Kennedy makes an appearance, states across the South in the Fifth Circuit could kiss abortion goodbye. Here’s hoping for Planned Parenthood v. Casey Kennedy. [MSNBC]
* Student activists from Harvard Law and Brandeis University protested an awards ceremony where Dean Martha Minow was honored for “making a lasting contribution to racial, ethnic or religious relations.” The protestors felt the award’s timing was ironic considering the ongoing racial divisiveness at the law school. [Harvard Crimson]
* Career alternatives for disbarred attorneys who “knowingly misappropriated client funds”: chief compliance officer of one of the largest banks in the world by market capitalization? Ritu Singh is lucky compliance is so hot right now, because accusations of past financial crimes apparently aren’t dealbreakers in terms of hiring. [New York Post]
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.10.15
* “The reality is, the university has done a lot to be a part of the solution. This undoes a lot of that work.” Students and professors at St. Louis University School of Law are up in arms because Bob McCulloch, the prosecutor in the Ferguson case, is coming to speak at an event on police practices. [ABC News]
* “Travel by coach will make it impossible for the attorneys to work and or sleep effectively upon our arrival.” Defense lawyers for three suspected terrorists motioned for a judge to give them business-class seats on a plane while federal prosecutors bum it back in coach. [New York Daily News]
* SCOTUSblog has been denied a Supreme Court press pass, yet again. Lyle Denniston, the site’s main reporter, had to go to great lengths in an attempt to circumvent the high court’s new journalist credentialing process. [Associated Press]
* “I would really think long and hard before defying a federal court order.” SCOTUS declined to issue a stay that would keep gay marriage at bay in Alabama, but some judges are still refusing to marry gay couples. Thanks Roy Moore. [Los Angeles Times]
* Paul Weiss: lookin’ nice! In a look at some of the early numbers from the latest Am Law 100 rankings, the firm increased its gross revenue year over year by 10.9 percent, allowing Paul Weiss to finally break the billion-dollar mark in revenue. [Am Law Daily]
Politics, SCOTUS, Supreme Court
The ATL Editors' Breaking Gchat About Noel Canning
Real-time reactions to the Noel Canning decision about recess appointments. - Sponsored
Happy Lawyers, Better Results The Key To Thriving In Tough Times
How happiness, a positive workplace, and alignment with the right role can transform not just your own career, but also the success of your clients… -
Biglaw, Job Searches, Non-Sequiturs, Supreme Court
Non-Sequiturs: 06.23.14
* 8 reasons that lawyers are like condoms. Not included: on the inside, they’re just dicks. [Legal Cheek] * A bunch of reporters that no one reads anymore take out their frustrations on SCOTUSblog for having the audacity to be good at its job. [ABA Journal] * Presented without commentary — a dean is not pleased with us. [PrawfsBlawg] * Jobs for law grads may be scarce, but WSJ wants you to know that Biglaw specifically is hiring again. So for a few of you, you’re set until you try to lateral. [Gawker] * Deluding yourself is a valuable career strategy. [Law and More] * Guy is suing an airline because he went to Grenada when he wanted to go to Granada. This gave me a great excuse to rematch the classic Newhart episode, Oh, THAT Morrocco. [Daily Mail] * A woman who tried to save some ducklings now faces life in prison. The moral of the story, as always, is screw animals. [USA Today] * The real winner in the protracted courtship of Patton Boggs was Akin Gump. [Washingtonian] * Teaching the law has suffered because of the influx of stupid “Law and…” courses. [TaxProf Blog] * But Oklahoma knows how to fix the problems with law school — give you an iPad! Video below… [YouTube] -
Blogging, California, Crime, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Gay Marriage, Law Professors, Media and Journalism, Morning Docket, Politics, SCOTUS, Securities and Exchange Commission, Securities Law, State Judges Are Clowns, Supreme Court, Ted Olson
Morning Docket: 06.03.14
* “I don’t think the government should be in the credentialing business.” Thanks to the whims of politicians, SCOTUSblog is having trouble getting media credentials to continue its coverage of the Supreme Court’s cases. [New York Times]
* How you like me now? In Redeeming the Dream (affiliate link), a new book co-authored with David Boies, Ted Olson says he experienced “some blowback” when he announced he was taking on the Prop 8 gay marriage case. [WSJ Law Blog]
* Steve Davis and Steve DiCarmine of failed firm fame think it’s “unfair” they have to defend themselves in a criminal case and an SEC case at the same time. They want the SEC case to be halted. Dewey think the judge will say yes? [Law360 (sub. req.)]
* Back in 2011, Pillsbury decided to ship its back-office operations to Nashville, and now it’s hiring a small contingent of lawyers to work there. FYI, an Ivy League degree may not be necessary. [Washington Post]
* Only in Florida would a judge allegedly challenge a public defender to a fight out back during a hearing and start throwing punches. We’ll definitely have more on this fiasco later today. [WFTV Eyewitness News]
* Peter Mutharika, a former law professor who taught at Washington University in St. Louis Law for about 40 years, is now the new president of Malawi, where it’s illegal to fart. Congrats! [St. Louis Post-Dispatch]
Blogging, Media and Journalism, Quote of the Day, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Thomas Goldstein
When Is a Law Blog Considered an 'Extreme Threat'?
You know you've reached the pinnacle of success when the mainstream media is scared of your blog. -
Civil Rights, Copyright, Gay Marriage, Non-Sequiturs, SCOTUS, Securities and Exchange Commission, Securities Law, Sex, Supreme Court, Video games
Non-Sequiturs: 03.27.13
* First the law school rankings, now urine-based video games? It’s been a whirlwind week of heavy journalism for U.S. News. [U.S. News] * Did you ask for a diorama of the Supreme Court? Because I did… [Washington Post] * What do SCOTUSblog and “Girls” share in common? If you guessed that Tom Goldstein spends most of his day at the office naked, you’re (probably) wrong. [Peabody Awards] * Casinos have systematically driven men out of the bartending and cocktail serving market. They use a fig leaf to protect themselves from Title VII… apparently literally. [Workplace Prof Blog] * Dartmouth professor Sonu Bedi argues that same-sex marriage is really about the separation of church and state. You say potato, I say egregious denial of basic rights. [Huffington Post] * UBS trying to get out of an SEC case. Color me surprised. [Dealbreaker] * Central New Mexico Community College does not want to hear that sex talk. It makes Sol the Suncat sad. [Popehat] * As mentioned before, there’s a new legal dispute over whether or not Sherlock Holmes has lapsed into the public domain. Alex Heimbach of Slate puts the case under the proverbial magnifying glass. [Slate] -
2nd Circuit, Cyberlaw, DealBreaker, Free Speech, Kellogg Huber, Racism, SCOTUS, Sentencing Law, Supreme Court
Non-Sequiturs: 02.07.13
* Above the Law promotes real-world change! Complaint filed against a Texas judge after Elie calls him out for being RACEIST! [ABA Journal] * If you were thinking of calling your friend from the Philippines a “skank” on Facebook, you may want to reconsider. [Philippine Inquirer] * If you’re a powerful financial executive, lay off the bath salts. [DealBreaker] * Judicial throwdown at the Second Circuit! Short version: Judge Raagi thinks Judge Jacobs should care way more about punishing guys sexting underage girls. Judge Jacobs thinks Judge Raagi watches too much Dexter. [Second Circuit / FindLaw] * Federal District Judge John Lungstrum calls out a couple trial teams for terrible trial work. Biglaw litigators may not be the best trial attorneys? You don’t say. [New York Personal Injury Attorney Blog] * Kenneth Anderson describes the U.S. government’s longstanding love affair with “imminence” in the context of the Obama drone strike white paper. To borrow from Rev. Lovejoy’s sermon: “Imminence…sweet imminence.” [Lawfare] * Judges: If you’re going to base a decision on a particular fact… don’t include pictures in the opinion that directly contradict that finding. Check out page six, line two and Appendix 2 [Court of Appeals, State of Oregon] * SCOTUSBlog and Bloomberg Law have a competition for law students. Beat your peers AND the SCOTUSBlog team and win $5000. [SCOTUSBlog]

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Election 2012, Gender, Lindsay Lohan, Non-Sequiturs, Patents, Politics, Sexism, Tax Law
Non-Sequiturs: 12.12.12
* It’s 12/12/12. Or as rational people call it, “just another Wednesday already, God.” [ABC News] * Elizabeth Warren is going to be on the Senate Banking Committee. Boom. How ya like me now. [Reuters] * Do women make better lawyers than men? For some reason this question made me want to make a really sexist joke. But I’m afraid of being yelled at by feminists. Afraid, like a little girl. [Law Frat] * Verizon to take on copyright trolls. I hope this leads to a commercial with that Verizon 4G woman playing whack-a-mole in a sun dress. [Torrent Freak] * You know what could keep us from falling off the fiscal cliff? The death tax? Mwahahaha. [Tax Prof Blog] * SCOTUSblog is looking to hire a good law student or LL.M. student. Qualification #1: you should probably know what SCOTUS refers to. [SCOTUSblog] * Lindsey Lohan had her probation revoked. If you are one of the people who care about this story, thus necessitating this mention of it, I hope bad things happen to you this holiday season. I’m serious, if you care about Lindsey Lohan, I hope Santa brings you herpes. [TMZ] -
Federal Judges, Jeffrey Fisher, Kellogg Huber, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Thomas Goldstein
The New Supreme Court Term Opens With A Splash
What happened on the first day of the new Term of the Supreme Court? According to Above the Law's SCOTUS correspondent, Matt Kaiser, it started with a splash.... -
Announcements, Disability Law, Non-Sequiturs
Non-Sequiturs: 09.04.12
* Happy Blogiversary to... us. Above the Law turned six years old last week. In blog years, that's like 100. I think we should put that on the masthead: Above the Law, Established circa 1912. In any event, thanks to all of our loyal readers who have been here from the beginning. Click on the link to take a look at how it all began. [Above the Law] * Family claims they were kicked off a flight because the airline didn't want their Down syndrome child sitting in first class. If they win I think there are going to be able to afford a lot of first class flights in their future. [The Consumerist] * Obama is going to have more judicial vacancies after his first term than he inherited from Bush. Part of the problem is that conservatives know how important the courts are and move to obstruct the President at every opportunity. Part of the problem is that progressives don't seem to understand how important this issue is. [Boston Review] * I hope many of you spent your Labor Day not feeling bad about having no paid labor. [The Onion] * I do not rule out the possibility that the who pretend to be concerned that affirmative-action "hurts" minorities are the biggest goddamn hypocrites on the face of the Earth. [Accuracy in Academia] * Don't get me wrong, affirmative-action is so going down this upcoming term. There might be suitable alternatives in its place. I'm just finding it funny how some people are so outraged by this one program that allows colleges to "consider" race while developing their class. I can't imagine how people would react if there was an inherent racial preference in American society for four hundred years. [SCOTUSblog] -
Barack Obama, Divorce Train Wrecks, Non-Sequiturs, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, United Kingdom / Great Britain
Non-Sequiturs: 07.09.12
* The Obama campaign is going to court to fight for their big ‘O’ trademark. I guess their claim that Romney’s centrist pragmatism was infringing on Obama’s reputation as a practical moderate fell through once Romney started pandering to his base. [WSJ Law Blog] * Cruise and Holmes have reached a divorce settlement already. I really think they’ve lost that loving feeling. [Ministry of Gossip / Los Angeles Times] * After a major blackout, you just know lawyers who work for power companies are going to be busy. [Legal Blog Watch] * British judge tells Arab man “to depart on his flying carpet” to escape paying costs. In other news: even a magic carpet wouldn’t help Brits win their own tennis tournament. [Legal Juice] * The bad judgment isn’t necessarily that a Brooklyn ADA took these pictures of himself, it’s that he didn’t scrub them from Facebook after he became an ADA. [Gothamist] * I-bankers suck at managing their own 401Ks. Maybe that’s the corollary to lawyers being bad at representing themselves. [Dealbreaker] * This is a brilliant look back at everything that happened with the Roberts Affordable Care Act decision, minute-by-minute. [SCOTUSblog] -
Basketball, Football, Gay, Gay Marriage, Google / Search Engines, Intellectual Property, Law Schools, Morning Docket, SCOTUS, Sex, Sex Scandals, Sports, Supreme Court, Technology, Trademarks
Morning Docket: 06.25.12
* It’s official: “law school grads face worst job market in more than 30 years.” Put that in your TTT pipe and smoke it. [Chicago Tribune]
* Not sure how good of a “cyber spy” you can be if you’re getting sued in federal court for things like cybersquatting and trademark infringement. [MarketWatch]
* Jerry Sandusky was convicted — oh Lord, he was convicted — Friday evening, and now his attorneys say they weren’t allowed to resign right before the trial. [CBS News]
* The New York Times has caught Linsanity, or at least it has caught an interest in the trademark case for Jeremy Lin’s popular catchphrase. [New York Times]
* It was Gay Pride weekend across the country. Practically speaking, for most people this meant lots of unexpected traffic jams and random glitter bombings. Evan Wolfson, a prominent attorney, was the Grand Marshal of the Chicago Pride Parade. [Chicago Sun-Times]
* Will today be the day we get the Obamacare decision? Who knows. In the meantime, here’s an interview with the folks behind the wonderful SCOTUSblog. [Forbes]
* The judge accused of elder abuse, in Alameda County, California, is still on the bench, but he has been relegated to handling small claims court. [Mercury News]
* An owner of the Miami Heat has sued Google and a blogger over an “unflattering” photo. I guess once you win an NBA championship, it leaves you with a lot of free time for other important pursuits. [CNN]
Quote of the Day, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Television, Thomas Goldstein
Quote of the Day: Strip Searches Are Funny on Cable TV
Tom Goldstein of SCOTUSblog goes on the Daily Show to discuss goings-on at the Supreme Court. What does he predict will happen in the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare case?