Stephen Bainbridge


  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.18.11

    * UVA Law grad Corwin Levi used his law school notes as his artistic canvas. I bet he has a really snazzy collar. [Ex-Lawyers Club] * Not all professors are lazy. Professor Ilya Somin hops on the “make new exam questions” bandwagon. [Volokh Conspiracy] * Professor Stephen Bainbridge has another theory on how “Tiger Mother” […]
  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.31.10

    * Dahlia Lithwick wonders: Is Justice Ginsburg “The Mother of All Grizzlies”? [Slate] * Five ways to write like David Boies and Ted Olson. [Legal Writing Pro (PDF)] * Speaking of legal writing, do you share our love of corny Bluebook jokes? If so, read this. [Laws for Attorneys] * And speaking of gays, and […]