Steve Beshear

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 10.01.15

    * Don’t get accused of a crime you didn’t commit in Oklahoma, turns out they don’t collect fingerprint evidence on the reg. [The Journal Record]

    * What those deal toys really mean. [Daily Lawyer Tips]

    * Yeaaah, the 1% do get different justice: judge lets embroiled Wall Street CEO Benjamin Wey out of his curfew to watch Swan Lake. [Dealbreaker]

    * Is the law equipped to deal with aliens (like the extraterrestrial kind)? [Law and More]

    * Kentucky governor Steve Beshear is having exactly none of Kim Davis’s horse hockey. [Wonkette]

    * Law firms are still hopelessly stuck in the past. [The Atlantic]

  • Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.15.15

    * “We’re going to the Jersey Shore, bitch!” This probably isn’t the kind of marketing that Jackson Lewis had in mind when the firm announced it was going to be opening an office north of Seaside Heights. Associates, you better get ready for some very serious GTB (gym, tan, billable hours). [Big Law Business / Bloomberg BNA]

    * Kim Davis may be back to work at the Rowan County Clerk’s Office in Kentucky, but that doesn’t mean she’s done with her fight to not do her job. She’ll be suing Gov. Steve Beshear for failing to provide her with a religious accommodation. [Talking Points Memo]

    * Some progress has been made in the infamous “dancing baby” case thanks to a recent Ninth Circuit decision. As it turns out, “copyright law does not authorize thoughtless censorship of lawful speech.” Prince would’ve wanted it this way. [WSJ Law Blog]

    * Public interest problems: When you work in Biglaw, performing a high number of pro bono hours may keep you from “doing the amount or quality of billable that it takes to advance in the firm, because there’s only 24 hours in the day.” [Crain’s Chicago Business]

    * Necrophilia is apparently still legal in several of our fine states, but a lawmaker in Massachusetts is trying to get a law on the books that would make sex with the dead illegal. It’s already illegal for Massholes to have sex with animals, so it’s only fair. [Metro]

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