

  • Morning Docket: 02.26.21
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 02.26.21

    * A lawyer for Britney Spear’s dad defended her client’s role in Britney’s conservatorship. In other words: leave Britney’s dad alone! [Los Angeles Times]

    * TikTok has reached a $92 million settlement to resolve a class action that alleged privacy violations by the platform. [Verge]

    * The Washington Supreme Court has struck down a law that criminalizes the unintentional possession of drugs. [Seattle Times]

    * A lawyer told a congressional committee that the Department of Justice and state attorneys general need more resources to fight Google in antitrust litigation. [Yahoo News]

    * Prosecutors in Maryland are participating in a “Polar Bear Plunge” by jumping into the Chesapeake Bay to raise money for the Special Olympics. Please let this be the new “ice bucket challenge“! [Baltimore Sun]

  • Morning Docket: 09.28.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.28.20

    * Lawyers argued yesterday that a TikTock ban would be “devastating.” Many would definitely be devastated if they couldn’t see humorous videos during the quarantine… [Verge]

    * A lawyer at Debevoise and Plimpton has had his protest-related charges dropped. [American Lawyer]

    * Google’s parent company has settled a lawsuit claiming that it failed to properly handle sexual misconduct allegations against executives. [CNBC]

    * The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office will not prosecute a journalist who is accused of interfering with an arrest earlier this month. [New York Times]

    * The New York Attorney General is suggesting that the NYPD stop making routine traffic stops. Unclear if this will have any impact on the always-congested FDR Drive… [AP]

  • Morning Docket: 09.21.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.21.20

    * Dr. Dre’s estranged wife has filed a lawsuit claiming she co-owns the trademark to his name. Maybe she owns the “Dr.” part… [Yahoo News]

    * Julian Assange was allegedly offered a presidential pardon in exchange for revealing the source of leaked Democratic National Committee emails. [Bloomberg Law]

    * A Florida attorney is in hot water over allegedly misappropriating client funds. [Daily Business Review]

    * An attorney has apparently gone from making $700,000 a year to $30,000 a year as an Amazon warehouse worker because of the ongoing pandemic. [Connecticut Law Tribune]

    * TikTok has filed additional legal action to block President Trump’s ban on the app. Maybe they should consider serving process through Twitter… [Washington Post]

  • Morning Docket: 08.25.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 08.25.20

    * A Pennsylvania golf course has defaulted in a lawsuit alleging illicit discrimination. Maybe they knew it would be a “fore”gone conclusion they’d lose… [Patriot News]

    * The New York Attorney General has sued the Trump Organization over financial investigations into the company. [Forbes]

    * Apparently, the ongoing pandemic is making it difficult to tell Scott Peterson his death penalty sentence has been overturned. [Fox News]

    * The Attorney General of the Virgin Islands has subpoenaed billionaire Leon Black and his business in a probe related to Jeffrey Epstein. [CNN]

    * The social media app TikTok has sued the U.S. Government over a ban recently announced by the Trump Administration. Did they serve process by video? [CNBC]