Trump Bump

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 03.21.17

* Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it... especially when it's rumored that you were the inspiration for seminal 80s character Ferris Bueller and you're now under consideration to be Preet Bharara's replacement as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Edward McNally works for Kasowitz Benson now, but he's reportedly a leading contender for the job. [Wall Street Journal] * Preet Bharara, on the other hand, is now considering taking up teaching at a prestigious law school -- like Columbia, Harvard, or NYU -- or going into private practice at a prestigious Biglaw firm -- like Gibson Dunn or WilmerHale. Who knew being fired after refusing to resign could work out so well? [Wall Street Journal] * Sources claim that President Trump will nominate Makan Delrahim to lead the Justice Department's antitrust division. Currently employed as a deputy in the Office of White House Counsel, Delrahim previously served in the DOJ antitrust division from 2003 to 2005 as deputy assistant attorney general under President Bush. [Big Law Business] * "The noise about lawyers is much more positive right now. Before, it was just negative noise." Law schools may be thanking our president for something that's being referred to as the "Trump bump." Some speculate that applications will surge thanks to the legal profession's prominence in the turbulent early days of his reign. [National Law Journal] * "They say a woman’s place is in the house. I say it’s in the courthouse." The lawyers at New York firm Meyer-Kessler & Shulevitz refer to themselves "double trouble," claim they represent the "new feminism," and they wear bright pink designer outfits every time they go to court. We may have more on this dynamic duo later. [New York Daily News]