Clerkship Bonus Watch: Skadden Has Joined the $50K Club

Yesterday we floated this rumor:

“Skadden has raised its clerkship bonuses: $50,000 for one clerkship, $70,000 for two years. Applicable to all offices.”

We have not received official confirmation from the firm. But we have now received, via email, confirmation of this news from multiple sources. So we believe it’s safe to treat it as confirmed.
We have not received individual confirmations for ALL Skadden offices. But we have received them with respect to New York, Chicago, and Wilmington. We’d be surprised to hear, then, that this is not an across-the-board policy.
Now the latest rumors concern Davis Polk. If you can confirm, please email us (subject: “Clerkship Bonus”). Thanks.
Earlier: Clerkship Bonus Watch: Has Skadden Joined the $50K Club?


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