The New York Bar Exam: A Laptopgate Update

Earlier this month, we posted about the laptop policy of the New York Bar Exam. A lot of you weren’t fans:

But this story, like the Oona O’Connell saga, also has a happy ending.
For those of you who care, details appear after the jump.

From a tipster taking the New York Bar Exam this July:

We beat the man! (Or, at least, we beat the New York Board of Law Examiners.)

See E-mail below — all laptop “losers” have been magically transformed into winners!

Thanks for your Laptopgate story.

And here’s the email:

While the State Board of Law Examiners is able to offer the laptop option to all candidates who were in the Second Lottery, we are only able to offer laptop seats at the locations listed on the link below. Before you register and pay the $70 laptop fee to Software Secure, we urge you to click on the link below to choose your preferred laptop location. The link also includes an option to decline laptop in which case you will be assigned a hand-writers seat based on your residence address. If you are not a resident of New York State and you select a hand-writers seat you will be assigned to sit for the exam in Albany.

To all of you erstwhile “laptop losers,” congratulations. It’s just like American Idol, in the Paula Abdul worldview: everyone’s a winner.
(Sadly, though, not all of you will pass. Best of luck with the rest of your studies.)
New York State Board of Law Examiners [official website]
Earlier: The New York Bar Exam: Laptopgate!


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