The New York Deluge

We often miss New York, where we lived for five years before moving down to Washington. But not all the time. We didn’t miss it last month, for example, when there was that huge steam pipe explosion.
Or today, when the city was thrown into chaos by massive rains and flooding. From a Gotham tipster:

Did you hear that the subways in much of NYC were flooded out this morning, due to a fierce rainstorm very early? It was coming down in torrents when I went to the gym this morning at 5:30, my usual time, although it had basically stopped by the time I headed for the subway at 8 a.m.

I ended up walking over 2 hours to get to school…. Might be a fun thread to ask how biglaw folks in NYC got to work today.

So, how about it — any insane tales of commuting? Or bizarre summer associate projects related thereto?
(Go ahead, vent — it’s okay. We care, we really do!)
Flooding Cripples Subway System [City Room / New York Times]
New York City Transit System Is Crippled by Flooding [New York Times]
MTA MAYHEM [WCBS via Drudge Report]
