Morning Docket 08.06.09

* Former Louisiana Democratic Congressman (and HLS grad), William Jefferson, found guilty of bribery, racketeering, money laundering, and misuse of his freezer. [New York Times]
* The Sotomayor scorecard: At least eight Republican senators plan to vote to confirm her Supreme Court nomination. [Washington Post]
* We wrote yesterday about George Sodini, the LA Fitness shooter whose chilling online diary mentioned layoffs at K&L Gates. ABC News says the former K&L Gates system analyst was “likely psychotic.” Yeah, you think? [ABC News]
* Walmart makes Clarence Thomas and his RV supremely happy. [WSJ Law Blog via ABA Journal]
* Former firm partners are in a complicated dance over strip club litigation. [American Lawyer]
* Could Twitter face patent problems? [Threat Level/Wired]
