Non-Sequiturs: 10.12.09

* Is everybody ready for the upcoming Bear Stearns trial? Here’s the pregame information you need to know. [Dealbook]
* In the matter of Jon v. Kate, maybe people don’t have enough sympathy for Jon? I don’t know, China’s “one child” rule looks better and better every day. [Double X]
* With all the talk about increased efficiency in legal services, you’d think that legal services have been ineffectively delivered up until now. [Technolawyer]
* How long should it really take to go from judicial misconduct to judicial apology? [Legally Unbound]
* Did you think my Obama-colored glasses were knocked off when he won the Nobel Peace Prize? [True/Slant]
* Meanwhile, they also give Nobel Prizes for other disciplines. Professor Bainbridge has some thoughts on this year’s winners in economics. [Professor Bainbridge]
* A 24-year-old woman tried to enroll in a high school as a 15-year-old boy. No pictures are available, but I have to assume that was one unattractive 24-year-old woman. [My Law Life]
* A Blawg Review to inspire all the would-be Emperors out there. [Popehat via Blawg Review]
