Man Uses Freeway Billboard Ad to Propose to Texas Lawyer

A Texas man proposes marriage via freeway billboard ad to a lawyer who uses billboards in her advertising...

There are many ways that lawyers can advertise their services to the general public, such as television commercials and print ads in the telephone book. But entertaining lawyer billboards are a favorite of ours; they have generated excellent material for some of Above the Law’s own caption contests.

Apparently they’re also great fodder for marriage proposals, as one Texan proved this past weekend….

The object of Tony Mancil’s affections, Mimi Coffey, is considered a high-profile DWI trial attorney, and she employs the use of billboards all the time to get the word out about her services. Coffey can be seen here in a one of her signature ads, smoking a cigar and posing in a celebrity crotch-shot-esque manner:

That being said, Mancil could think of no better way than to propose to his love via digital freeway billboard. And of course, this was in Texas, so Mancil took Coffey to an empty gun store parking lot to view the proposal.

The Forth Worth Star-Telegram has more about how Mancil popped the question:

[S]he looked up at the digital billboard and couldn’t believe her eyes. It bore a photo of the couple and the message: “I love you Mimi. Will you marry me?”

“I was shocked,” Coffey said of the billboard, which is on the north side of Interstate 30 near Cherry Lane. “I should have just said ‘yes,’ but we like to kid each other so I said ‘Well Tony, you’re going to have to give me some time to think about it. Did you mean to ask me a question?'”

And then he got down one knee and officially asked her to marry him.

Here are some pictures of Mancil’s proposal billboard:

According to the Star-Telegram, Mancil paid for the proposal ad to flash continuously on the digital billboard for almost a week’s time — now that’s love, y’all. And for the record, this will not be a Texas-style shotgun wedding; Coffey already has four children from a prior marriage.

Best of luck to Mancil and Coffey as they begin their lives together. Good thing she’s not a divorce lawyer

She said yes! Man uses billboard on Fort Worth freeway to propose [Fort Worth Star-Telegram]
Texas Lawyer Accepts Billboard Marriage Proposal [ABA Journal]