John Oliver Takes On Contracts

On the inequities in contracts in the chicken farming industry.

On last night’s episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver tackled the inequity of chicken farming contracts. I know when you hear that someone is outraged about something in the chicken industry you assume you’re about to be bombarded with images depicting the horror of factory farming (which we get it — it is bad, but I’m eating breakfast here). But now there is something new to be outraged over! Yay?

John Oliver walks viewers through the harsh contracts that govern the relationship between the four poultry industry giants — Perdue, Tyson, Pilgrim’s, and Sanderson Farms — and the smaller farms that actually raise the chickens. This is what tends to happen when multinational corporations, with their requisite teams of lawyers, are negotiating with farmers.

It’s a pretty grim reminder that the “justice gap” goes well beyond the criminal justice system.
