Biglaw Wife Says Drunk Husband Spends So Much Time At Firm He Thinks His Office Is His Home

This is incredibly sad, and an indictment on the Biglaw way of life as a whole.

Lawyers working at large law firms are expected to do the impossible almost every day of their lives — they work on important legal issues and hold people’s livelihoods in their hands while they’re dead tired. The pay is wonderful, but they subsist on very little sleep, and don’t get to see their friends, family, and loved ones very often because they’re almost constantly under the gun at work. Living a lifestyle like this could drive a person to drink, and heavily, at that.

The work-life balance scale tips heavily toward the work side for attorneys in Biglaw. Take, for example, this message we received from a Biglaw wife who misses her husband:

Although my husband works in Manhattan at [an Am Law 50 firm], we live in a very rural area in Connecticut, and sometimes enjoy driving around at night to explore the countryside.

This past Saturday, my husband got incredibly drunk at the conclusion of what seemed like an 80-to-90-hour work week. He’s had so many weeks like this lately that I feel like I rarely see him during daylight hours anymore. He asked me to pick him up from a bar near the office so we could go exploring. After we got out of NYC, we drove around for a really long time — so long that I had no idea where we were.

I asked my husband, who was still wasted, to make the GPS send us home. He put in his office address. A drunk mind sure does speak sober thoughts.

This woman’s husband spends so much time at the office that he thinks of it as his home. That’s incredibly sad, and an indictment on the Biglaw way of life as a whole. No one should have to live like that, regardless of the monetary incentives to do so. It’s not fair.

Our condolences go out to this Biglaw wife, and all other Biglaw spouses who have to endure much of the same. Fear not, someday your loved ones will come back to their actual homes, and decide that they’ve had enough of their barely habitable Biglaw abodes.
