Lawyers Love Cheesy Pick-Up Lines

Last night, lawyers made the world laugh, and that's a real accomplishment.

If you weren’t hanging around on Twitter yesterday afternoon, you missed out on the amazing comedy of the early hours of #lawlibpickuplines. As I mentioned earlier today, I was visiting the 2015 American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting & Conference, and I was looking for a way to inject some cheeky Above the Law fun and games into the mix.

What could go wrong with law library pick-up lines?

Here’s the admittedly incredibly lame joke that started it all:

Lawyers and law students love to poke fun at themselves, and it resulted in an amazingly entertaining commute home from Philly for me. Check out some of the best of the best:



Eventually, with about 2,000 tweets from members of the legal profession, #lawlibpickuplines soared to the number 2 trending spot on Twitter last night. That’s simply awesome. Well done! You made the world laugh, and that’s a real accomplishment.

The fun is still going on, so feel free to tweet away using #lawlibpickuplines or peruse the hashtag history if you’re in need of a smile and a chuckle this afternoon.

Earlier: ‘Jiggery-Pokery’ Sparks #scalia4kids, Breaks The Internet