Bringing Bankruptcy Out Of The Stone Age: Meet The Guys From Reorg

What inspires people to make the jump to startups?

Perhaps I’m biased, but I like talking to people that were able to walk away from cushy salaries to start something new.  That’s an important signal that they’re either on to something, or just flat out crazy.  Either way, these people usually make for good conversation.  Jude Gorman and Kent Collier from Reorg (Jude is GC, Kent is founder & CEO) are probably in the second category.  Kent, who comes from a buy side background (up until today I had no idea what that meant) worked at Millennium and Assurant before leaving to start Reorg; Jude, who joined later as General Counsel, worked for several years at Latham.  To find out what inspired these two to make the jump to startups, and find out more of the story behind Reorg, I’ve invited Kent and Jude for a conversation.

Zach Abramowitz is a former Biglaw associate and currently CEO and co-founder of ReplyAll. You can follow Zach on Twitter (@zachabramowitz) or reach him by email at
