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Morning Docket: 07.24.18
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 07.24.18

* It's the first day of the bar exam in a number of jurisdictions. These young lawyers have suggestions for your last month of freedom. [Young Lawyers Advisory Board]

* Jeff Sessions is withholding funding from local law enforcement. Just the latest example of Dummy the House Elf's curious interpretation of being "tough on crime." []

* Now Trump will meet with Mueller? Oh, he'll talk to Mueller about anything but obstruction. So I guess they could discuss the weather. [Time]

* Stormy Daniels is getting a divorce. [NY Times]

* After a dicey back and forth with the ABA, NCCU has retained its accreditation. [News & Observer]

* The EU keeps fining American companies. American companies keep right on monopolizin'. [The Economist]

* Jonathan Turley goes all "get off my lawn" about Millennials and free speech. Magistrate Judge James Donohue points out that Millennials might appreciate free speech more if they had any reason to believe people like Turley weren't trying to turn it into a pay-to-play right. [Courthouse News Service]



We Still Have Firms Making Raises — See Also
See Also

We Still Have Firms Making Raises -- See Also

BRACEWELL GIULIANI JOINS THE PARTY: The firm made raises without offering summer bonuses, but really, not being associated with Rudy Giuliani anymore is its own reward.

BOUTIQUES ARE FOR THE YOUNG: Texas boutique matches Cravath/Milbank scale for junior associates, but not at the top levels.

WHAT DOES THE RYAN BOUNDS SAGA TEACH CONSERVATIVE LAW STUDENTS? I'd say they should try to not be dicks. But I know that's hard given what they actually believe.

JESUS CHRIST, EXAMSOFT: Why the hell does this company still have a monopoly on the bar exam?

CRYING NAZI GETS BANISHED: Christopher Cantwell won't have to go to jail, but he's no longer welcome in Virginia.