General Counsel


  • Morning Docket: 12.09.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 12.09.20

    * A company that makes a law firm performance review platform has hired its first general counsel. Wonder how they’ll track his performance… [Corporate Counsel]

    * A new lawsuit alleges that an Illinois funeral home gave out the wrong ashes to family members of the deceased. [Insurance Journal]

    * A lawyer for President Trump has been sued for saying that a former cybersecurity chief should be shot for statements made about the election. [Bloomberg Law]

    * Check out this New York City lawyer who is dressing up as Santa for the holiday season. [Fox News]

    * The New York Attorney General predicts President Trump will step down so that Vice President Pence can pardon him. Sounds like a plot line from House of Cards. [Hill]

  • Morning Docket: 10.02.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.02.19

    * Trump wins on taxes (this time): A federal judge in California blocked a state law that would require candidates for president to disclose their income tax returns before their names can appear on the state’s primary ballot. [CNN]

    * In the wake of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations of sexual assault, Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s name has not been “totally and permanently destroyed” as he predicted; though he may be regarded as a “walking controversy,” he’s mostly gone back to his regular life. [Washington Post]

    * Rudy Giuliani has hired former Watergate prosecutor Jon Sale to represent him in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Sale says of his client: “He 100 percent did not do anything illegal.” That’s a good lawyer. [National Law Journal]

    * The D.C Circuit largely upheld the FCC’s right to dump net neutrality rules, but the court’s opinion still allowed for state and local governments to set their own regulations that would prohibit some customers from being charged more than others. [Associated Press]

    * A judge has ruled that Harvard’s admissions policies are constitutional due to the school’s reliance on “race conscious admissions.” If Students for Fair Admissions appeals, it could go to SCOTUS and endanger affirmative action. [NPR]

    * If you’ve been dreaming about going in-house and eventually becoming general counsel, now might be a good time to make a move, considering that GC pay recently hit a five-year high of $2.6 million. [Big Law Business]

    * “Alabama and I had a difference of opinion, but Gainesville and I have the same opinion.” That tide has rolled, so Hugh Culverhouse decided to make a $1.1 million donation to the University of Florida Levin College of Law. [Herald Tribune]