LLM Bar Exam

  • Morning Docket: 05.23.16
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 05.23.16

    * Bar exam-prep companies seem to be involved in a never-ending war with each other, and shots have been fired in the latest battle. BARBRI has been sued by LLM Bar Exam in a federal antitrust action, and several law schools have been caught in the fray. We’ll have more on this later today. [WSJ Law Blog]

    * New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his legal team have until today to file an appeal of the Second Circuit’s decision in the Deflategate case. According to an attorney who once served as outside counsel to the NFL, Brady’s chances of success are “near zero” if he decides to pursue this Hail Mary. [Big Law Business]

    * OOOOk-lahoma, where the crazy comes sweepin’ down the plain: Oklahoma’s state legislature wants to impeach President Barack Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch over the administration’s guidance on transgender bathroom accommodations. The Sooner State’s actions are “highly symbolic,” but they’re likely “doomed.” [TIME]

    * Did he wear an ascot and a smoking jacket while he was deposed? Playboy magnate Hugh Hefner testified at a deposition in a case filed by a woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby at the Playboy Mansion while she was a minor. Thanks to a gag order, no details on Hef’s deposition are available at this time. [Reuters]

    * Sorry, but you still can’t deduct the cost of your law school tuition and fees on your taxes, even if you’re an accountant/tax preparer who only enrolled to get a leg up on your tax skills and never intended to practice law, but especially if you later start a law firm with a family member. The Tax Court frowns upon things like this. [Accounting Today]

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