As we said yesterday, there’s still time left in the year for associates to crank out some billable hours to hit their targets. There’s still time to participate in our hours survey, where the early returns suggest that many of you are quite busy.
That’s a good thing, especially if you are at Mayer Brown, New York. No, the firm hasn’t released bonus information yet. In fact, the firm hasn’t even released its 2011 payscale.
But Mayer Brown is telling people how many hours they need to hit in 2010 in order to be eligible for a 2011 raise…

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Mayer Brown was still laying people off as recently as April 2010. While associates at other firms are perhaps starting to feel like they have a little bit of job security, Mayer Brown people still have their heads on a swivel. Given the firm’s recent history, the fact that there will be raises probably comes as good news to Mayer Brown associates.
But, at least in New York, you better hit your hours this year if you want to get a raise next year. Here’s part of an email sent to all New York associates yesterday:
From: Richard A. Spehr
To: All New York Office Associates
Re: Associate Salaries in 2011… In order to be eligible to be paid the maximum salary for their class in 2011, associates will generally be expected to work a minimum of 2000 [adjusted client chargeable] hours in 2010. Associates who do not meet this threshold may be eligible for salary increases in lesser amounts, depending on the number and types of hours they work. Associates who work less than 1750 ACC hours in 2010 generally will not be eligible for a salary increase in 2011. The individual hours summary that you receive each month detailing your ACC hours for the month and the year should help you monitor your progress toward meeting the 2000 ACC hours threshold.

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A 2000-hours requirement isn’t uncommon for a bonus. But, during the recession, a select few firms started playing around with an hours requirement for a class year raise. Evidently, Mayer Brown management enjoyed the experiment, and they decided to stick with it even as the market is improving.
So, bill those hours, Mayer Brown friends. Remember, taking Westlaw printouts into the bathroom or emailing on your BlackBerry while you get dressed in the morning are barely ethical ways to build in extra time as you try to hit 2000. Don’t be the loser who billed 1980 hours this year.
Earlier: The Hours Open Thread: Mad Dash To Hit Your Hours Target for 2010
Nationwide Layoff Watch: Mayer Brown Reducing Its Force by 75