Morning Docket: 06.15.16

* If you've been too busy billing, this is the roster of salary movement news from yesterday: Fried Frank, Jenner & Block, Covington, Boies Schiller, Mayer Brown, DLA Piper, and Goodwin Procter. If you’re ever worried that you’ve missed any of our coverage om pay raises, you can check out our omnibus 2016 salary chart where we collect all of these stories. [2016 Salary Increase / Above the Law] * Quit worrying, law students: Per the managing partner of litigation powerhouse Keker & Van Nest, the firm's billing rates won't be "dramatically changed" after its adoption of the $180K Cravath salary scale, and it won't be harder to get a job there because the raises "[won't] have any influence" on the firm's hiring plan. [Big Law Business] * Shook Hardy & Bacon is the latest Biglaw firm to welcome a woman to the highest managing role it has to offer. Madeline McDonough, a 26-year veteran of the firm, will join the small -- but growing -- clan of female lawyers who serve as the managing partners or chairs of some of the nation's largest law firms. Congrats! [WSJ Law Blog] * Andrew Schmuhl, the lawyer accused of slitting the throat of a law firm managing partner, was convicted on all of the charges he faced in the attack. This likely does not bode well for his wife, attorney Alecia Schmuhl, who will stand trial this fall and who is said to have been the mastermind behind the brutal assault. [Washington Post] * For the first time ever, the ABA is conducting random audits of law school employment statistics from the class of 2015. Ten schools have been randomly selected for audits, along with 382 randomly selected students from 156 schools. Which schools do you hope are audited? We're sure we could name a few. ::coughInfiLawcough:: [ABA Journal]

Flying Money* If you’ve been too busy billing, this is the roster of salary movement news from yesterday: Fried Frank, Jenner & Block, Covington, Boies Schiller, Mayer Brown, DLA Piper, and Goodwin Procter. If you’re ever worried that you’ve missed any of our coverage om pay raises, you can check out our omnibus 2016 salary chart where we collect all of these stories. [2016 Salary Increase / Above the Law]

* Quit worrying, law students: Per the managing partner of litigation powerhouse Keker & Van Nest, the firm’s billing rates won’t be “dramatically changed” after its adoption of the $180K Cravath salary scale, and it won’t be harder to get a job there because the raises “[won’t] have any influence” on the firm’s hiring plan. [Big Law Business]

* Shook Hardy & Bacon is the latest Biglaw firm to welcome a woman to the highest managing role it has to offer. Madeline McDonough, a 26-year veteran of the firm, will join the small — but growing — clan of female lawyers who serve as the managing partners or chairs of some of the nation’s largest law firms. Congrats! [WSJ Law Blog]

* Andrew Schmuhl, the lawyer accused of slitting the throat of a law firm managing partner, was convicted on all of the charges he faced in the attack. This likely does not bode well for his wife, attorney Alecia Schmuhl, who will stand trial this fall and who is said to have been the mastermind behind the brutal assault. [Washington Post]

* For the first time ever, the ABA is conducting random audits of law school employment statistics from the class of 2015. Ten schools have been randomly selected for audits, along with 382 randomly selected students from 156 schools. Which schools do you hope are audited? We’re sure we could name a few. ::coughInfiLawcough:: [ABA Journal]


Staci Zaretsky is an editor at Above the Law. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments. Follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.


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