Morning Docket: 07.24.17

* Can the president be indicted? You betcha! "It is proper, constitutional, and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to, the president’s official duties. In this country, no one, even [the president], is above the law." [New York Times] * According to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the most notorious grandma of them all, the Trump administration was a little heavy-handed when it came to the travel ban from majority-Muslim countries, and its definition of close family was simply "too restrictive" for the high court to abide by -- which is why the "grandma ban" no longer exists. [Associated Press] * Why did Ty Cobb decide to join President Trump's legal team for the Russian election collusion investigation? Here's what he said, in his own words: "If the president asks you, you don’t say no. I have rocks in my head and steel balls." Well, that certainly explains it! [National Law Journal] * As the Supreme Court's junior justice, Neil Gorsuch has the unenviable task of serving on the cafeteria committee. It's a "truly disheartening assignment," especially since the vast majority of the people who are forced to eat there thanks to a lack of other options have described the food as poor, at best. [Wall Street Journal (sub. req.)] * A Cravath associate once said that Anthony Scaramucci, the Harvard Law grad who now serves as President Trump's new communications director, isn't one to "humble brag." But that won't stop him from helping the president with a few second-hand humble brags. During the press conference where he introduced himself to the world, he said Trump could "throw a dead spiral through a tire," "hit[] foul shots and swish[] them," and "sink[] 30-foot putts." This is all totally believable(?). [] * Leary Davis, founding dean of Elon Law and Campbell Law, RIP. [Roanoke Times]

‘I’m fired?’

* Can the president be indicted? You betcha! “It is proper, constitutional, and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to, the president’s official duties. In this country, no one, even [the president], is above the law.” [New York Times]

* According to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the most notorious grandma of them all, the Trump administration was a little heavy-handed when it came to the travel ban from majority-Muslim countries, and its definition of close family was simply “too restrictive” for the high court to abide by — which is why the “grandma ban” no longer exists. [Associated Press]

* Why did Ty Cobb decide to join President Trump’s legal team for the Russian election collusion investigation? Here’s what he said, in his own words: “If the president asks you, you don’t say no. I have rocks in my head and steel balls.” Well, that certainly explains it! [National Law Journal]

* As the Supreme Court’s junior justice, Neil Gorsuch has the unenviable task of serving on the cafeteria committee. It’s a “truly disheartening assignment,” especially since the vast majority of the people who are forced to eat there thanks to a lack of other options have described the food as poor, at best. [Wall Street Journal (sub. req.)]

* A Cravath associate once said that Anthony Scaramucci, the Harvard Law grad who now serves as President Trump’s new communications director, isn’t one to “humble brag.” But that won’t stop him from helping the president with a few second-hand humble brags. During the press conference where he introduced himself to the world, he said Trump could “throw a dead spiral through a tire,” “hit[] foul shots and swish[] them,” and “sink[] 30-foot putts.” This is all totally believable(?). []


* Leary Davis, founding dean of Elon Law and Campbell Law, RIP. [Roanoke Times]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky has been an editor at Above the Law since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.
