See Also: Tense Times In America

THE WHITE HOUSE INTRIGUE IS INTENSE: Yeah, most people are focusing on the backstabbing disaster that is the Trump foreign policy team. It's right to worry about it, because those people are going to get us all killed while the Wall Street Journal runs a thinkpiece on the white economic anxiety that makes them cool with nuclear war. The infighting among Trump's legal team is less... earth destroying, but still pretty interesting. Read about it here. THE NRA IS TRYING TO TRICK YOU: Here's an entirely reasonable thought process: "Hmm... the NRA seems to be doing something not evil." --> "Let me investigate this issue more to figure out how the NRA is trying to be evil." I explain it here. GOD, PLEASE LET THIS ECONOMY CRASH SOON: Yes, I'm rooting for economic destruction. Yes, it's because I hate Trump. Yes, it's also because I hate the people who voted for Trump. Yes, I am willing to risk my own investments, just for the chance to drive past breadlines full of people in tattered business suits wearing #MAGA hats so I can shout, "YOUR MARGINAL TAX RATE HAS GONE DOWN THO," while I YouTube them chasing the sandwich I attached to the back of my car. I am not joking. I wish NOTHING BUT THE WORST for the people who put this country into this situation. This story about declining deal values makes me GIDDY. U.G.L.Y. YOU AIN'T GOT NO ALIBI, YOU UGLY: In honor of this law school. I WANTED TO BE AN ASTRONAUT WHEN I GREW UP: Space is cool. Getting off this gross planet is cool. Spending years in the military, test-piloting unproven weapons of war, hoping to be given the opportunity to strap yourself to a bomb so you can be propelled into a vacuum that will boil your blood if your tinfoil thick coating gets damaged is... a big part of why I ended up going to law school instead. Astronaut Chris Hadfield delivered the keynote at last week's ClioCon. Read about it here.

THE WHITE HOUSE INTRIGUE IS INTENSE: Yeah, most people are focusing on the backstabbing disaster that is the Trump foreign policy team. It’s right to worry about it, because those people are going to get us all killed while the Wall Street Journal runs a thinkpiece on the white economic anxiety that makes them cool with nuclear war. The infighting among Trump’s legal team is less… earth destroying, but still pretty interesting. Read about it here.

THE NRA IS TRYING TO TRICK YOU: Here’s an entirely reasonable thought process: “Hmm… the NRA seems to be doing something not evil.” –> “Let me investigate this issue more to figure out how the NRA is trying to be evil.” I explain it here.

GOD, PLEASE LET THIS ECONOMY CRASH SOON: Yes, I’m rooting for economic destruction. Yes, it’s because I hate Trump. Yes, it’s also because I hate the people who voted for Trump. Yes, I am willing to risk my own investments, just for the chance to drive past breadlines full of people in tattered business suits wearing #MAGA hats so I can shout, “YOUR MARGINAL TAX RATE HAS GONE DOWN THO,” while I YouTube them chasing the sandwich I attached to the back of my car. I am not joking. I wish NOTHING BUT THE WORST for the people who put this country into this situation. This story about declining deal values makes me GIDDY.

U.G.L.Y. YOU AIN’T GOT NO ALIBI, YOU UGLY: In honor of this law school.

I WANTED TO BE AN ASTRONAUT WHEN I GREW UP: Space is cool. Getting off this gross planet is cool. Spending years in the military, test-piloting unproven weapons of war, hoping to be given the opportunity to strap yourself to a bomb so you can be propelled into a vacuum that will boil your blood if your tinfoil thick coating gets damaged is… a big part of why I ended up going to law school instead. Astronaut Chris Hadfield delivered the keynote at last week’s ClioCon. Read about it here.
