Well, That Escalated Quickly -- See Also

ALEX KOZINSKi KILLED SOMEONE WITH A TRIDENT: Not really, but he might as well. He resigned, effective immediately. EVERYBODY IS ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER TRUMP'S JUDICIAL NOMINEES NEED TO KNOW THINGS: But it kind of misses the point. Joe explains that the issue isn't that Matthew Petersen isn't experienced, it's that he's lazy. THE TEN WORST LAW SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTRY: God, I love it when Cooley is honored. Staci has the report. AND NOW, A LITTLE STORY ABOUT SILENCING WOMEN: The 10th Circuit booted Nancy Leong from a panel about qualified immunity after she noted that the other three spots were filled with white men. Let me explain why that's a problem. DO YOU KNOW WHEN A BONUS STRUCTURE IS DESIGNED TO SCREW YOU? Joe breaks down Bryan Cave's bonus structure to reveal the hidden cheapness.

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

ALEX KOZINSKI KILLED SOMEONE WITH A TRIDENT: Not really, but he might as well. He retired, effective immediately.

EVERYBODY IS ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER TRUMP’S JUDICIAL NOMINEES NEED TO KNOW THINGS: But it kind of misses the point. Joe explains that the issue isn’t that Matthew Petersen isn’t experienced, it’s that he’s lazy.

THE TEN WORST LAW SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTRY: God, I love it when Cooley is honored. Staci has the report.

AND NOW, A LITTLE STORY ABOUT SILENCING WOMEN: The 10th Circuit booted Nancy Leong from a panel about qualified immunity after she noted that the other three spots were filled with white men. Let me explain why that’s a problem.

DO YOU KNOW WHEN A BONUS STRUCTURE IS DESIGNED TO SCREW YOU? Joe breaks down Bryan Cave’s bonus structure to reveal the hidden cheapness.
