Northwestern Law Students Take On DACA Fight -- And Need Your Help

A group of law students seek to add more voices to the immigration battle.

While the University of Chicago spent the last couple weeks parsing just how many vile insults against immigrants one can employ before it undermines their “environment of inclusion” (spoiler alert: there’s no limit!), Northwestern Law students have been able to work without distraction on lodging their protest to the White House’s efforts to crack down on immigration.

Northwestern students have been organizing on behalf of DACA recipients since September. Northwestern is surely not alone. Law students from all over the country are taking steps, large and small to make a difference in this looming legal showdown. One initiative of Northwestern’s Petitioners Organizing for DACA’s Effective Replacement (or PODER) is a petition calling for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers with over 500 signatures from the Northwestern community.

But now they want to take their work national, to join forces with like-minded students on other campuses. The letter below outlines their position. If any law students want to help them out, they should send an email about obtaining a sign-on link to distribute to their respective student body. I’ve thrown a copy of their petition on the next page.

[pdfjs-viewer url=””]

HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.
