What's New On Above The Michael Cohen? -- See Also

MICHAEL COHEN GETS BENCHSLAPPED: I'm starting to wonder if Michael Cohen is actually a plant. From Russia's enemies. CAMBRIDGE POLICE ASSAULT NAKED HARVARD STUDENT: The dangers of going to school in Boston -- well not in Boston, near Boston -- while black. KENTUCKY IS TRYING TO KILL LEGAL AID FUNDING: Maybe they're just holding legal aid positions open for Neil Gorsuch? AN INTERVIEW WITH DERA NEVIN: Would you like to travel to 15 different countries to talk about legal technology? WILL FEDSOC JOIN ACS TO DEFEND ROBERT MUELLER? It's a principles check for FedSoc and, while I expect them to fail, I hope to be surprised.

(Photo credit should read BRYAN R. SMITH/AFP/Getty Images)

MICHAEL COHEN GETS BENCHSLAPPED: I’m starting to wonder if Michael Cohen is actually a plant. From Russia’s enemies.

CAMBRIDGE POLICE ASSAULT NAKED HARVARD STUDENT: The dangers of going to school in Boston — well not in Boston, near Boston — while black.

KENTUCKY IS TRYING TO KILL LEGAL AID FUNDING: Maybe they’re just holding legal aid positions open for Neil Gorsuch?

AN INTERVIEW WITH DERA NEVIN: Would you like to travel to 15 different countries to talk about legal technology?

WILL FEDSOC JOIN ACS TO DEFEND ROBERT MUELLER? It’s a principles check for FedSoc and, while I expect them to fail, I hope to be surprised.
