Wait, Kim Kardashian Is In Law School? Or Is Kanye Just Mouthing Off About Stuff He Doesn't Understand?

Oh no!

Unsurprisingly, the answers to the questions above are “no” and “absolutely.”

Noted Trump supporter Kanye West took the time to chat with Extra about Kim’s work on criminal justice reform, specifically her efforts to get commutations for convicted felons languishing in prison because of the country’s wildly out-of-whack sentencing laws.

That’s when the narcissistic impresario couldn’t help but inform us that Kim Kardashian’s going to law school now:

West also broke some news, informing “Extra,” “My wife is in law school now, and it’s extremely serious to us.”

No, she’s not. Not that it would be completely crazy if she were. While she’s best known for forging a television career based solely around her family’s vapid existence as late-stage capitalism’s answer to ancien régime nobility, Kardashian is the daughter of O.J. Simpson lawyer buddy Robert Kardashian. There’s a lawyer gene buried in there somewhere.

However, Kardashian’s representatives have since confirmed that she’s not actually going to law school. What was Kanye thinking? Given that his mind is powered by alternating current and routinely flips between the laser focus of a brilliant lyricist and three ferrets trying to escape a paper bag, who really knows.

In any case, this shouldn’t detract from the important work Kardashian’s been doing in lending her celebrity to the cause of social justice. Sure, it’s problematic that our whole justice system hinges on convincing attractive women to beseech Trump and that getting relief from frankly immoral sentencing decisions is contingent upon his interest in a photo op and exactly how worried he happens to be about Paul Manafort flipping on any given day. But we’ve abandoned the timeline where pardons and commutations are handed out in an orderly, principled manner. It’s time to just lean into this new reality and realize we’ve turned the important role of the Department of Justice’s pardon attorney over to the E! Network.


We’re all going to die.

Kanye West on Kim Kardashian’s Legal Activism: ‘I Love It’ [Extra]
Kanye West Is ‘Excited’ Kim Kardashian Is Focused on Criminal Justice Reform, Source Says [People]

Earlier: Kim Kardashian West Gets In On The Quest For Social Justice
DOJ Looking For A New ‘Pardon Attorney’ For Totally Innocent Reasons, Y’all
That Time I Got Suspended On Twitter For Calling Kanye West An ‘Uncle Tom’ And Other Things

HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.
