Oh Great, Brett Kavanaugh Is Becoming Even More Of An Originalist

Justice Kavanaugh doesn't seem to care much about case law.

(Photo by MELINA MARA/AFP/Getty Images)

[Brett] Kavanaugh’s citation practices may indicate that he has less care or respect than most judges for precedent, but greater concern for statutes and the Constitution as sources of authority. Moreover, my time-trend analyses, which suggest that Kavanaugh’s deference to case law is on the decline while his deference to statutes and the Constitution is growing, may provide textual evidence of Kavanaugh’s increasingly textualist and originalist philosophy.

— Nina Varsava, writing for Slate, explaining the disrespect Brett Kavanaugh has for legal precedent — and it’s getting worse over time. Good thing he has the rest of his life to perfect his retrograde constitutional approach.
