Of Course Jeffrey Epstein Has A Fake Passport

Prosecutors request no bail, claim Epstein a flight risk.

At a bail hearing in Manhattan, prosecutors argued that Jeffrey Epstein is a flight risk and recommended no bail. From Courthouse News:

Pushing to keep Jeffrey Epstein behind bars, U.S. prosecutors said Monday that investigators have uncovered a foreign passport with the wealthy sex offender’s picture and an assumed name.

At a hearing this morning in Manhattan federal court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Alex Rossmiller also described “art and diamonds” that the government found in Epstein’s $77 million Upper East Side mansion.

“How much money does he have? Where is it?” Rossmiller said of Epstein’s suspected cache of undisclosed assets. “How much of it is in diamonds or art?”

Defense attorneys argued Epstein should be placed on house arrest… which is I guess the euphemism we’re going with to describe the gilded mansion attended by servants that constitutes Epstein’s “house.”

Look, let’s not waste time wondering if Epstein should be denied bail; of course he should be denied bail. Of course he shouldn’t be allowed to live in his mansion. Of course he poses a significant flight risk.

My question is: why didn’t he fly already?

Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, coming back from Paris, France. One assumes he didn’t know the arrest was coming, despite months of hard reporting in the Miami Herald about his crimes.

His lack of anticipation seems like the ultimate hubris. Based on the evidence brought forth at his bail hearing today, it would certainly seem like Epstein was prepared to skip town at a moment’s notice. In addition to the fake passport, he had, you know, his real one. It’s mind boggling to me that this alleged sex trafficker was so sure he’d get away with his crimes that he likely had an international “go” plan, yet didn’t feel the need to put that plan into motion. How did he think this was going to work? Did he think he’d have buddies in the prosecutor’s office that would “tip him off” before the arrest warrant went out? Did he think Matt Damon from The Departed would send him a text?


Jeffrey Epstein could be on a beach in Phuket under an assumed named far away from accountability and retribution for his disgusting alleged crimes. Instead, he’s in jail, and should hopefully be there for the rest of his life.

Phony Epstein Passport, Plus Art and Diamonds, Unearthed [Courthouse News Service]

Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and a contributor at The Nation. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.
