Judge Gets Censured For Unleashing His Fists Of Justice On Attorney

Yeah, punching a fellow member of the legal profession is a terrible idea.

Former New York administrative judge Robert V. Beltrani was publicly censured this week by the Appellate Division’s First Judicial Department of the New York Supreme Court. That’s because back in 2016, he reportedly sucker punched a defense attorney. Which isn’t a good look for any attorney, much less a judge. Beltrani agreed to the censure.

As reported by ABA Journal, the incident happened after a few cocktails at a legal industry event:

The party had celebrated the opening of a friend’s law firm. According to stipulated facts, the incident happened after Beltrani and the lawyer, Sam Roberts, “availed themselves” of the open bar. They talked outside the party. Roberts took a step toward Beltrani and touched his chest. Beltrani, who was intoxicated, responded by punching Roberts in the head.

Roberts fell to the ground and Beltrani landed on top of him. Beltrani got up and left.

Beltrani was able to avoid a conviction on his record for third-degree assault after taking an anger management course and completing 10 days of community service, the New York Daily News had reported.

And back in 2016, it was reported that before the drunken punches flew, Beltrani said, “I do justice,” and, “I f—ing kill people,” right before attacking.

Beltrani was previously fired from his judicial role following the incident. And, in 2018, Beltrani pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of harassment.

Roberts, the victim in all this, has said his shoulder in permanently injured as a result, but that the resolution is “fair and appropriate,” saying, “We all make mistakes. I wish Mr. Beltrani well and hope we can both move on.”

A very mature and measured response to an incident that was anything but.


headshotKathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, and host of The Jabot podcast. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
