Frankly, We've Been Expecting This Firm's Salary Announcement

After a busy year, fried associates can enjoy a comp hike.

“Shri’ve” been waiting on this one. OK, Shriver isn’t really conducive to this game.

In any event, yes, we’re talking about Fried Frank, who announced associate raises as part of today’s wave of firms that likely held out to see if Cravath was going to spice up this raise cycle even more.

Of course, Cravath opted to merely call the bet on the table opening the floodgates of firm announcements.

At this point, everyone knows what the salary scale looks like, but as a refresher, here’s what Fried Frank is offering as of July 1.

Comp Year Annual Base Pay
2021 $202,500
2020 $205,000
2019 $215,000
2018 $240,000
2017 $275,000
2016 $305,000
2015 $330,000
2014 $350,000
2013 $365,000
2012 $375,000

The firm joins the clutch of employers offering $375K for the class of 2012 and confirms that it will up summer associate pay to match the 2021 scale.

The full memo is available here.


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HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.


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