Stanford's Etiquitte Brainwashing Won't Pay The Bills, And Neither Will Gambling With Firm Money -- See Also

We Don't Need No Thought Control: I know law school teaches you how to think, but come on now. This "News" Program Won't Give You The Scoop: That's some heavy redaction there, Fox. This Star Is In Some SEC Trouble: What is it with Disney stars? There Are Just Some Things You Don't Gamble With: One is your law firm. This Is A Reminder To Pay Your Bills: What's with these people trying to screw over law firms? They're literally full of lawyers!

corrupt guy businessman holding dollar bill in hand showing shhh sign

Pay us and shut up about it.

We Don’t Need No Thought Control: I know law school teaches you how to think, but come on now.

This “News” Program Won’t Give You The Scoop: That’s some heavy redaction there, Fox.

This Star Is In Some SEC Trouble: What is it with Disney stars?

There Are Just Some Things You Don’t Gamble With: One is your law firm.

This Is A Reminder To Pay Your Bills: What’s with these people trying to screw over law firms? They’re literally full of lawyers!