Morning Docket: 10.11.24

* Uh oh... SpaghettiOs: Woman arrested after cops found a "suspicious substance" on a spoon in her purse during a routine traffic stop -- it was canned pasta sauce. [Lowering the Bar] * Respect the LinkedIn hustle: FTX officer updates profile to reflect prison sentence. [CNN] * What this tells me is that Roberts is still very, very annoyed with the Fifth Circuit's nonsense. [National Law Journal] * Speaking of forum shopping: "US Appellate Judge Urges Caution on Judge-Shopping Rule." This is why, unfortunately, it's become necessary for journalists to clarify "TRUMP Appellate Judge Urges Caution on Judge-Shopping Rule." Without that context, this news story reads as though this isn't a wholly partisan stance. * The thing about loser-pays is that the winners can rack up some epic mini-bar charges along the way. [Roll on Friday] * Nixon Peabody sues personal injury firm. [ABA Journal] * If only some Supreme Court justices cared about miscarriages of justice as much as they care about jailing women after a miscarriage. [Dorf on Law] * Judge Kindred texted with former clerk/inappropriate relationship/prosecutor about a case as he presided over it. This is distinct from the senior prosecutor who sent the judge nude photographs. Get it together, Alaska! [Reuters]


Not Olive Garden pasta (via Getty Images)

* Uh oh… SpaghettiOs: Woman arrested after cops found a “suspicious substance” on a spoon in her purse during a routine traffic stop — it was canned pasta sauce. [
Lowering the Bar]

* Respect the LinkedIn hustle: FTX officer updates profile to reflect prison sentence. [CNN]

* What this tells me is that Roberts is still very, very annoyed with the Fifth Circuit’s nonsense. [National Law Journal]

* Speaking of forum shopping: “US Appellate Judge Urges Caution on Judge-Shopping Rule.” This is why, unfortunately, it’s become necessary for journalists to clarify “TRUMP Appellate Judge Urges Caution on Judge-Shopping Rule.” Without that context, this news story reads as though this isn’t a wholly partisan stance.

* The thing about loser-pays is that the winners can rack up some epic mini-bar charges along the way. [Roll on Friday]


* Nixon Peabody sues personal injury firm. [ABA Journal]

* If only some Supreme Court justices cared about miscarriages of justice as much as they care about jailing women after a miscarriage. [Dorf on Law]

* Judge Kindred texted with former clerk/inappropriate relationship/prosecutor about a case as he presided over it. This is distinct from the senior prosecutor who sent the judge nude photographs. Get it together, Alaska! [Reuters]
