Morning Docket: 01.03.11

* For just pennies a day, you can outsource your legal work to a lawyer who doesn’t even know what a penny is. [Los Angeles Times]

* They might have terk your jerbs, but the Republicans are going take their schooling and birthright citizenship. [New York Times]

* Oh no, Joe, say it ain’t so! Joe Miller finally waives the white flag: after three strikes in court, he’s out. [CNN]

* Elie can haz victory! The ABA finally pulled its head out of its ass the sand and issued a warning to prospective law students. [NetNet / CNBC]

* Lots of law firms defied logic and offered “safe ride” programs for New Year’s Eve. You too fancy for DUI defense, huh? [ABA Journal]

* No job? No problem! Just have the local paper run a sob story about you, and see what happens. These kids are geniuses! [Chicago Sun-Times; Bergen Record]

* Robo-signing from beyond the grave — sounds like an episode of Tales from the Crypt made for lawyers. [Wall Street Journal]
