Musicians Will Never Re-Record Their Catalogs Again … Like Ever
While Taylor Swift was not the first to use this strategy to assert her artistic independence, the labels are committed to making sure she is the last.
While Taylor Swift was not the first to use this strategy to assert her artistic independence, the labels are committed to making sure she is the last.
Instead of analyzing Assault and Battery, have you considered Mind and Your Business?
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.
...I betchu Chris Rock won't do it again.
Many attorneys love being an essential part of a creative or meaningful project.
Want to represent your favorite celebrity? Make sure you choose the right law school.
We couldn’t have been happier with how this event turned out. We hope you'll join us next time!
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.
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Space is limited, so click here to request your invite. We look forward to seeing you!
Space is limited, so click here to request your invite. We look forward to seeing you!
Do paparazzi drones cross some magical privacy line? The California legislature thinks so.
Learn legal trust accounting best practices to ensure compliance and protect client funds. Discover expert tips to set your firm up for success.
Here is a collection of advice from top talent agents as well as Emmy- and Oscar-winning producers to set you on your way.
How transformative does your screenplay have to be to use a person's life story without their permission? The Hurt Locker case provides an example.
Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga and self-proclaimed “yogi to the stars,” has allegedly taken yoga groping to new depths.
Until there are real changes, the Oscar will continue to go to… the white actor.
Meet a successful entertainment lawyer who produces entertainment of his own -- by writing legal thrillers.