Williams & Connolly LLP

Select Coverage from Above the Law

  • Morning Docket: 02.21.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 02.21.19

    * Accountants are the new bakers when it comes to discriminating against gay people. I guess this means tax prep is more a matter of artistic interpretation, which in fairness explains Amazon’s tax bill last year. [Fox News]

    * Tesla GC self-driven back to Williams & Connolly after two months. [National Law Journal]

    * “Lawyer likens R. Kelly to Beethoven to explain studio move.” Who can forget that “immortal beloved” letter about urolagnia? [Star Tribune]

    * A good look at the renewed effort to undermine the litigation finance business for doing the unconscionable and allowing regular folks to afford to bring meritorious claims against big companies. [CDR Magazine]

    * A call for law schools to be accredited based on post-graduation job prospects. It seems like a certain website’s been calling for that for years now… [Law.com]

    * Strip club copyright suits are the lucrative niche practice no one knows about. [Law360]

    * Rosen likely to succeed Rosenstein. [Courthouse News Service]

    * Direct call for quotas to improve Biglaw diversity — for women anyway. [Legal Cheek]

  • Morning Docket: 01.28.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 01.28.19

    * Paul Weiss really showed its “commitment to putting the white in white shoe” with its new partnership class, and the New York Times is on it! See our coverage from December here. [New York Times]

    * President Donald Trump recently met with a group of right-wing activists led by Ginni Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, where they criticized transgender people and women serving in the military. Trump reportedly looked “taken aback“ during the meeting, which is a bit of a rarity. [New York Times]

    * Some pretty major lateral moves for some pretty major players when it comes to appellate practice: Lisa Blatt is returning to Williams & Connelly where she’ll lead the firm’s Supreme Court practice, and Kannon Shanmugam is leaving Williams & Connolly to lead a new Supreme Court practice at Paul Weiss. Congrats! [NLJ; NLJ]

    * “I’m here to speak for the people who don’t have a voice.” Rappers Jay-Z and Meek Mill have launched the Reform Alliance, an initiative for criminal justice reform, with the goal of dramatically changing laws and policies to reduce “unreasonable” probation, parole, and prison terms. [CBS News]

    * What happened to the people who were told that they passed the D.C. bar exam, when in reality they actually failed? “Just shock. I didn’t think that could happen. I never heard of a bar committee changing the results.” Here’s a bit of a depressing update. [Washington Post]

  • Morning Docket: 10.17.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.17.18

    * President Donald Trump claims that Michael Cohen lied under oath when he testified that Trump told him to violate campaign finance laws and that the allegations are “totally false.” Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, has some words Trump ought to be concerned about: “audio and tape.” [USA Today]

    * “I can fire him whenever I want to fire him, but I haven’t said that I was going to.” In other Trump-related news, the president has confirmed that Pat Cipollone will serve as his next White House counsel, and also confirmed that he’s still really pissed off at AG Jeff Sessions about the Mueller probe. [Associated Press]

    * In the wake of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s highly political confirmation hearing where he brought up Clinton conspiracies during his testimony, Chief Justice John Roberts really wants the American public to know that the judiciary “requires independence from the political branches.” Really. He pinky promises. [CNN]

    * If you’re interested in learning what junior partners are making at Williams and Connolly, look no further than Fourth Circuit nominee Allison Jones Rushing’s financial disclosure form. The 2007 Duke Law graduate pulled in more than $650K during her first year as a partner at the firm. [National Law Journal]

    * This ex-Foley & Lardner partner “should have known better” than to backdate documents, paste his clients’ signatures onto them, and mislead the IRS during an audit, so he’s been suspended from practicing law for two years. [American Lawyer]

  • Morning Docket: 10.10.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.10.18

    * Oh boy, it looks like we’ve got a new person to lock up. People who attended Trump’s MAGA rally in Iowa last night broke out into chants of “lock her up!” after the president wondered whether Senator Dianne Feinstein leaked a letter containing Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. [The Hill]

    * Just because Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court doesn’t mean that student organizers at Yale Law are giving up. Yale Law Students Demanding Better will be entering a “new phase of advocacy,” by getting politically involved, registering voters, and joining grassroots movements. [Yale Daily News]

    * Elon Musk hired Williams & Connolly chairman Dane Butswinkas to help him with the hot securities mess he’s created. He may have settled his case with the SEC, but a judge still has to accept their agreement and his tweet calling the agency the “Shortseller Enrichment Commission” might not help him. [Big Law Business]

    * Keila Ravelo, the former Biglaw partner who pleaded guilty to tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wire fraud charges last year, will be sentenced today in her $7.8 million scheme to cheat her firms and clients. The government is asking for six years behind bars and three years of supervised release. [New Jersey Law Journal]

    * Women have been treated unfairly in the legal profession for far too long, and maybe that’s why the number of women-owned firms has been dramatically increasing. As a partner in your own firm, the compensation will be fair, promotions will be merit-based, and no one is going to sexually harass you. What’s not to like? [Law.com]

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R. Hackney Wiegmann, Managing Partner
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