BC Law School


Boston College Defends Anti-Gay Marriage Professor

Yesterday, we talked about a Boston College Law professor, Scott Fitzgibbon, who went up to Maine to shoot an anti-gay-marriage commercial. John Garvey, Dean of Boston College Law, didn’t respond to us, but he did send around an email to the BC Law community. As many predicted, Dean Garvey defended Professor Fitzgibbon. Here is the […]


Boston College Law Professor In Anti-Gay Marriage Ad

The gay marriage debate continues to rage in New England, and now a Boston College law professor wants to weigh in. The state of Maine has a ballot proposition about gay marriage this fall, and BC Law Professor Scott T. Fitzgibbon decided to shoot an anti-gay marriage ad. Just to be clear, this is not […]


If BC Law Goes Up Five Spots in U.S. News Next Year, Here’s Why

Meet Adrienne (at right), a 22-year-old hottie from South Carolina — and a current student at Boston College Law School. Adrienne graces the cover of the current issue of Barstool Sports. We are not familiar with this publication, but we are advised that it is “a prestigious biweekly magazine.” In our opinion, the cover photograph […]