
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 04.29.22

* Laws matter: life lost after school neglects to follow anti-bullying protocol. [WBEZ] * The EU's laws will be impacting American free speech, eh? Talk about long-arm statutes. [The Hill] * Oklahoma just passed their version of Texas's Roe sidestep. Over/under for them banning condoms too in two weeks? [CNN] * Marjorie Taylor Greene is maintaining the Shaggy defense for her Section 3 trial. [NBC News] * People are upset that the Texas bill disincentivizing the use of clean energy isn't enough to keep them using fossil fuels. Sorry, not sorry. [NPR]

Health / Wellness

Will Your Child Become A Bully?

I was bullied without mercy in my tweens and teenage years. The bullying ranged from fat shaming and other appearance- and intellect-based taunts, to an actual physical assault. It came from both school- peers and adults. I remember my baseball coach telling to run faster to first base by pretending I was chasing a refrigerator. […]