3 Tips To Battle In-House Burnout
Welcome to the season of burnout, right before Thanksgiving and the December holidays. Time to take some time.
Welcome to the season of burnout, right before Thanksgiving and the December holidays. Time to take some time.
Please join us on July 27th and learn practical strategies to combat burnout and reduce attrition.
Reach out to continue the conversation on how to most effectively detect, prevent, and correct this or other types of fraud, cybercrime, misconduct, and non-compliance.
Actually a whole bunch of your colleagues feel the exact same way.
2021 is not looking great for lawyers' well-being.
Something like this could actually work and help lighten the load for associates.
We all need time to breathe, both physically and mentally.
This complete system built for lawyers simplifies the complex world of law firm finance.
It can be really challenging to make good decisions when you're experiencing burnout.
Where we live beyond our means, finance everything--from homes to cars--with loans from banks, and count on our bi-weekly paycheck to make a dent in all of the bills that we have.
* Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig is now depending on a future President Trump to enact the campaign finance reforms he built his failed presidential bid upon. He'll be waiting for a while. [The Crimson] * Ted Cruz has pretty much always been a douche. [Funny or Die] * The People v. O.J. Simpson explores racism, sexism, and more -- all through costume. [Fashionista] * U.S. Senators: They're just like us! Claire McCaskill live-tweets her jury duty experience. [The Slot] * How can you avoid burnout as a lawyer? [Associate's Mind] * Why are embattled public defender offices actually excited about the lawsuits against them? [Christian Science Monitor] * Practical advice for taking advantage of the opportunities that are staring you right in the face. [Guile is Good] * Get the inside scoop on why Rudy Giuliani jumped ship to Greenberg Traurig. [Big Law Business / Bloomberg BNA] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dso0lnNsoRA&feature=youtu.be