

Non-Sequiturs: 01.26.16

* Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig is now depending on a future President Trump to enact the campaign finance reforms he built his failed presidential bid upon. He'll be waiting for a while. [The Crimson] * Ted Cruz has pretty much always been a douche. [Funny or Die] * The People v. O.J. Simpson explores racism, sexism, and more -- all through costume. [Fashionista] * U.S. Senators: They're just like us! Claire McCaskill live-tweets her jury duty experience. [The Slot] * How can you avoid burnout as a lawyer? [Associate's Mind] * Why are embattled public defender offices actually excited about the lawsuits against them? [Christian Science Monitor] * Practical advice for taking advantage of the opportunities that are staring you right in the face. [Guile is Good] * Get the inside scoop on why Rudy Giuliani jumped ship to Greenberg Traurig. [Big Law Business / Bloomberg BNA] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dso0lnNsoRA&feature=youtu.be