• Morning Docket: 12.18.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 12.18.19

    * The Florida Bar is requiring a Florida attorney to take a professionalism workshop after he shooed a stowaway raccoon off of his boat in open waters. Bet the Florida Bar was moved by the heartbreaking pictures of the raccoon in the water. [Tampa Bay Times]

    * Notorious RBG threw cold water on President Trump’s impeachment law knowledge yesterday after President Trump suggested that the impeachment process could be stopped by the Supreme Court. [USA Today]

    * A California lawyer has been found guilty of running a scheme to secure foreign investment visas when legitimate investments were often not being made. [Mercury News]

    * The Washington State Attorney General has sued the Trump Administration over ICE arrests made in state courthouses. [Seattle Times]

    * Progressive groups are calling for Justice Brett Kavanaugh to recuse himself from a case involving the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. [CNBC]

    * It looks like the CBD industry could be facing a flood of new lawsuits, and that’s not just people being paranoid. [Bloomberg Law]

    * Lawyers for a stuntman who was killed on the set of The Walking Dead is asking for up to $100 Million in damages from AMC. [Yahoo Entertainment]

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