George Conway


  • Morning Docket: 09.09.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.09.19

    * In the two years or so that Justice Neil Gorsuch has served on the Supreme Court, he’s become “everything conservatives hoped for and liberals feared,” having voted to overturn or suggested revisiting 11 of the court’s precedents thus far. [Washington Post]

    * Speaking of Justice Gorsuch, here are the two rules he tells each of his law clerks to follow: “Rule number one: Don’t make it up — follow the law. Rule number two: when everybody else around you is yelling at you, asking you to make it up and condemning you for not making it up, refer to rule number one.” [Fox News]

    * “I’m indebted to have his help and advice. He truly is a great American.” Frequent Trump critic George Conway, the Wachtell of counsel married to Kellyanne Conway, is informally advising former Rep. Joe Walsh’s 2020 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. [CNN]

    * According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the legal sector added around 4,100 jobs in August, outpacing U.S. job growth. This seems like exciting news, but it capped off a summer where overall growth for law jobs was mostly flat. [American Lawyer]

    * A Housewife Desperate to stay out of jail: Federal prosecutors say probation isn’t enough for Felicity Huffman’s participation in the Varsity Blues college admissions scandal and want her to serve at least one month in jail, but her lawyers don’t agree. [TODAY]

  • Morning Docket: 06.10.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 06.10.19

    * The end of the Supreme Court’s current term is drawing near, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says that dark times may be ahead in terms of “sharp divisions” for some of the “most watched cases” with decisions yet to be announced. Uh-oh… [Associated Press]

    * Who is the real Attorney General Bill Barr? In this interesting profile, opinions vary wildly, with some calling him “closest thing [the Trump administration has] to Dick Cheney” and others referring to him as a “real danger.” [New York Times]

    * George Conway of Wachtell, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, has once again taken to Twitter to call out President Trump: “You would have been fired from any other job by now.” [The Hill]

    * Sedgwick wants its money back: After partners fled the firm prior to its demise, the bankruptcy estate is now hoping for $1.6 million clawback settlement to make things right. [Big Law Business]

    * Even though the lead plaintiff has dropped out in favor of arbitration, tech giant Google can’t seem to shake the lawsuit claiming the company is biased against conservatives, men, white people. [Mercury News]

  • Morning Docket: 04.15.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 04.15.19

    * “I don’t care about the Mueller report. I’ve been totally exonerated.” President Trump has been “emboldened” by AG William Barr’s summation of the Mueller report, but that claim of “total exoneration” may come back to bite him when the redacted report is released. [New York Times]

    * Speaking of the Mueller report, George Conway has stepped up his criticism of all the “no collusion” talk, commenting on Twitter that “[i]f Mueller had used the words ‘no evidence of a conspiracy or coordination’ (i.e., no collusion), you can be damned sure Barr would have quoted those words. But Mueller didn’t, and Barr didn’t.” [The Hill]

    * Paul Rawlinson, global chair of Baker McKenzie, RIP. [Legal Week]

    * Will SCOTUS get “FUCT” this term? That’s what streetwear designer Erik Brunetti is hoping for when the high court hears oral argument on his challenge to the government’s refusal to register trademarks that are considered “scandalous” or “immoral.” [Associated Press]

    * The Big Fail: A deep dive into why bar exam pass rates have declined to record lows in recent years, and the impact on law schools and the legal profession. []

    * Law students better start reading up on legal operations, because word on the street is that Biglaw firms are going to start hiring law school graduates for these jobs. Plus, “[s]alaries for these positions are quite big.” [American Lawyer]